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Archival of Roles Via Foundations #10117

Open byt3sage opened 8 months ago

byt3sage commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We want to be able to automatically data cleanse our database and for that, we need to be able to archive via the API.

Describe the solution you'd like Maybe just an archive parameter on the body of a PATCH request?

Describe alternatives you've considered There is absolutely no other alternatives.

BradStrutt commented 8 months ago

This would be very useful.

byt3sage commented 8 months ago

Just some more context, we're wanting to automate the applicants to remove by pruning that data and automatically archiving relevant applicants. This would mean that we need to do the archiving at an API level thus the feature in Agency Cloud is useless.

This would actually be a huge saving to Reapit Support too as currently, we have to bulk send reports to Support to get them to run and archival script - we're just replacing that process effectively.

Retties are also wanting this functionality too so there is demand for it.

@HollyJoyPhillips @plittlewood-rpt :)

HollyJoyPhillips commented 7 months ago

Internal: Requested information from the Foundations team

byt3sage commented 7 months ago

How's this looking?

HollyJoyPhillips commented 6 months ago

Hi @jaetoole FYI, I've reached out to the Foundations team for an update.

byt3sage commented 1 month ago

@HollyJoyPhillips did you manage to get an update on this?

HollyJoyPhillips commented 1 month ago

Hi @byt3sage, I've reached out to the team again this morning. Will let you know.

HollyJoyPhillips commented 1 month ago

Hi @byt3sage, I have heard back from the team and they have actually introduced the option to archive applicants in bulk using the power reports, please see release notes here

Whilst the action to bulk archive is not available via the API, it should provide an alternative for housekeeping.

byt3sage commented 1 month ago

@HollyJoyPhillips I've seen that but it defeats the object really. If you had a TP service that wanted to archive things (which is quite common for data cleansing etc) they wouldn't have access to power reports.

We want to create more automation and programatic integrations between systems that can deal with mundane tasks which can only be done via foundations.

Can this be re-reviewed?

neagsupport commented 1 month ago

Someone would have to manually do this. We want more automation. Thanks

BradStrutt commented 1 month ago

As above.

HollyJoyPhillips commented 1 month ago

Hi All, thanks for the reply and feedback. I'll need to refer this back again to the product team as it's a product decision that's required. I'll update this ticket when I have further details.

byt3sage commented 3 weeks ago

@HollyJoyPhillips another thing - that only works for Applicants? What if we wanted to archive vendors? or Contacts?

HollyJoyPhillips commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @byt3sage, it's a good question and one for the desktop team (if you're referring to the CRM reporting functionality). In terms of the API it all forms part of the same product decision.

soilleir commented 3 weeks ago

We (Rettie) would very much like to be able to do this too and be able to archive/unarchive any role via the API

byt3sage commented 2 weeks ago

@HollyJoyPhillips when could we expect an update about this please? :)