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Question about App Consents #11215

Open dwayne-flatfair opened 3 months ago

dwayne-flatfair commented 3 months ago

Please take a look at our FAQ's before submitting an issue, as your question may already be covered in the documentation

Summary Do ALL clients have to approve an app consent email before ANY client receives the update?

Detail and or supporting links and screenshots We updated our installed app a little while ago, but looking at the app consent screen, I can see not all of our installed clients have approved the app update via the email sent.

Your documentation states that "Each customer will have to agree to the new permission before our team can approve your revision. ". Does this mean ALL customers must have approved the updated permissions before your team can approve the revision? Or is the revision approved for each customer that consents to the updated permissions?


AshDeeming commented 3 months ago

Hi @dwayne-flatfair That's correct - I can see that currently 3 customers have agreed & 3 pending. We can assist with resending the approval requests for those pending if the customer has asked for the consent email to go to a different admin user, we can send this for you - please send any sensitive info to:

dwayne-flatfair commented 3 months ago

Hi Ash,

This didn't really answer my question unfortunately. It's an (A) or (B) answer I'm looking for here. Either:

(A) When an individual customer accepts the new revision permissions, they get access to that upgraded revision as soon as they accept it


(B) ALL customers get access to the upgraded revision of the software only when ALL customers have accepted the new revision

That's what I'm looking to understand. Or to ask this another way, when does your team actually review and approve the new revision? How do we know when this is done?

AshDeeming commented 3 months ago

Hi @dwayne-flatfair Apologies for any confusion - B is correct We need all clients to agree to the revision (additional permission scope) before we can approve as impacts all of them - you can view/manage these via the consents tab

dwayne-flatfair commented 3 months ago

Thanks @AshDeeming Do you have any documentation on the "revision" process you can point me to? I'd like to better understand what triggers the permissions update and how this works across both API and Webhooks.

I'm stepping in for the developer who did our last revision because they are no longer with the company. Are you able to let me know what new permissions were requested in our latest revision update?

AshDeeming commented 3 months ago

Hi @dwayne-flatfair sure no problem, please see the below;

The addtional permissions requested for the pending revision relate to: Read & Write Transactions

dwayne-flatfair commented 3 months ago

Thanks @AshDeeming

So what is the impact on our app until the full set of permissions are agreed by all clients? We don't get Webhook calls which require those updated permissions and any API calls whcih require those permissions fail? Could you clarify please?

Also - can I change the email for who receives the consent emails - or send it to other email addresses as well? They are out of date at the moment.

AshDeeming commented 3 months ago

Hi @dwayne-flatfair Until all consents are agreed & the app is approved, access to the newly permission/endpoint will not be authorised.

We can re-issue the consent email to admin users at the same organisation, please feel free to advise which emails need amending via;