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Unable to connect to the 'Reapit Online Demo UAT' #7303

Closed komalpuri27 closed 2 years ago

komalpuri27 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug We need to connect to 'Reapit Online Demo UAT' (client id = REP) client's database in order to hand over the 'UK myAgency app' for UAT purposes to the UK team, but we are blocked by a 500 server error. This 'Reapit Online Demo UAT' has already installed the MyAgency app from the marketplace, which has the app id = f5cc2f15-db3e-4cb2-8339-4809ac49e4ee

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour eg:

  1. When we do this request to fetch negotiator and offices

method : "get" url: "" array:4 [ "query" => "pageNumber=1&pageSize=100&modifiedFrom=2016-11-03T09%3A20%3A14%2B00%3A00&sortBy=modified" "headers" => array:4 [ "api-version" => "2020-01-31" "Accept" => "application/json" "Authorization" => "Bearer eyJraWQiOiJFXC9TcnVuTzVCR0xBMk1yT3phY2RjWFkwVVdqRVB1cVB5N3hIb1FWbnJGdz0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.SUE1x0BqdhDpVuJe3iKF8gQQRDBA_I4Lg_PVgGG-XVjfiZg0Mu4R0NliWr79MMPZ-LWu9BgEyHmuV2xpW7IwHclto_R9A1koNqm2oOWOnFhI5NsdSqc0oBPL4puotRg4GBckSZaPHMVzXq76Rou-p2q1uMGmeqfXRUt9On1fcKT-nRd3x_U53_Jod7wbyCueWXqt-dw6mBmXg2M5goAtQxhuZnxK3JIWCXS0AknMji7TsBK7HzTSYA60q3yCvlIQKxzuRGgpnSMJEEXd61kPemYHzXZp6XALvN8OUfZBeiSvFiA9AdH597TBwOkAupmIa7775fs0YJ9LTPWPc6epSw" "reapit-customer" => "REP" ] ]

The error :

[2022-07-15 03:32:15] local.ERROR: Server error:GET in a500 Internal Server Errorresponse: {"statusCode":500,"dateTime":"2022-07-15T03:32:09.9921356Z","description":"An unexpected error has been encountered when (truncated...)

{"statusCode":500,"dateTime":"2022-07-15T03:56:51.7874352Z","description":"An unexpected error has been encountered when fulfilling this request. This incident has been logged and will be investigated. Please try again."}

Same error we get when we try to use the /Offices API.

Expected behaviour We have been able to connect to sandbox client and 'Ed Dempsey' client in the past and expect the same from this new UAT client created for UAT purposes.

Additional context This is very critical for us to be able to hand over the 'Myagency app' for UAT to be done by UK team before 22nd July.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to report a bug. We prioritise bugs depending on the severity and implications, so please ensure that you have provided as much information as possible. If you haven’t already, it really helps us to investigate the bug you have reported if you provide ‘Steps to Replicate’ and any associated screenshots. Please ensure any personal information from the production database is obscured when submitting screenshots. This issue will be reviewed in our weekly refinement sessions and assigned to a specific project board. We may also update the ticket to request additional information, if required. For more information on our processes, please click here

plittlewood-rpt commented 2 years ago

Hi @komalpuri27 there is already a ticket logged with our infrastructure team about this as I spotted it in our logs the other day. I'll chase them up today

komalpuri27 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @plittlewood-rpt.

plittlewood-rpt commented 2 years ago

Hi @komalpuri27 you should now be able to access data using this customer id. Please let me know if it does not work as there's some odd setup here with it being an internal build

komalpuri27 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @plittlewood-rpt the 500 error is gone now. However, now we are getting 400 error Client error: GET resulted in a 400 Bad Request response: response: {"statusCode":400,"dateTime":"2022-07-19T01:55:13.536029Z","description":"Option ';database' not supported."}

komalpuri27 commented 2 years ago

@plittlewood-rpt we can close this ticket. We were provided with another UAT account and that worked for us.