reapp / hacker-news-app

Hacker News Reader demo app built on Reapp
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App can not switch to Article page #1

Closed titanjer closed 9 years ago

titanjer commented 9 years ago

I clone this example and npm install, reapp run!

First problem is wrong path require in "reapp-router/react-router/RoutedViewListMixin.js ." Therefore, I revert to new style manually and app shows the article list page! (Y)

Second problem is not able to switch article page when I click the detail icon. Console error is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dispatch' of undefined in "react-router/modules/createRouter.js:317 ."

btw, it seems that react-router does not support react 0.13 very well. If I create a app by "reapp new app", the button on Left Navigation in example app has click errors, too.

natew commented 9 years ago

Can you try again? We've updated a few things.

titanjer commented 9 years ago

no~ problem still exists! @@

natew commented 9 years ago

Hmm... the react-rotuer path should be right because we've specified a github react-router. Could you check that your npm_modules/react-router is the same as, and then also make sure your reapp-routes version is 0.9.9 (run npm outdated and be sure to update all those).

If that doesn't work, could you output npm list and put it here? Sorry for the troubles!

titanjer commented 9 years ago

RouteHandlerMixin.js put in modules/ at above version ( Howevere, in the reapp-routes/react-router/RoutedViewListMixin.js, the require path is react-router/mixins/RouteHandler. Why does not it be the react-router/modules/RouteHandlerMixin?!

Excuse me for interrupt u! @@

natew commented 9 years ago

You were right! I changed to the right version and pushed.

titanjer commented 9 years ago
