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Type-safe useQuery #129

Open tsnobip opened 4 years ago

tsnobip commented 4 years ago

Right now, ~variables expects any type:

let useQuery:
    ~client: ApolloClient.t=?,
    ~variables: 'raw_t_variables=?,
    ~notifyOnNetworkStatusChange: bool=?,
    ~fetchPolicy: ApolloHooksTypes.fetchPolicy=?,
    ~errorPolicy: ApolloHooksTypes.errorPolicy=?,
    ~skip: bool=?,
    ~pollInterval: int=?,
    ~context: Context.t=?,
    graphqlDefinition('t, 'raw_t)
  ) =>
  (variant('t), queryResult('t, 'raw_t, 'raw_t_variables))

So if you partially apply makeVariables by forgetting a non-optional argument for example, this won't be detected by the type-checker.

Any idea how to solve this?

jeddeloh commented 4 years ago

This should be resolved in both #117 and #122 branches. The variables arg is required and there are some convenience functions and Extension modules for making the ergonomics better.