reasonml / reason-cli

Globally installable Reason toolchain.
MIT License
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Company: backend merlin-company-backend error "merlin: error (end-of-file) trying to parse answer: " with args (candidates Js.) #75

Open kuwze opened 6 years ago

kuwze commented 6 years ago

This is an error I am having with reason-cli's merlin (I am unsure of whether I should post here, or on merlin's github page). I also tried using the which ocamlmerlin-reason binary, but got the same error.

To recreate this error, I just tried to enter at the top of the ReasonML file let a = Js. and inspected the Emacs messages.

Here is my configuration:

(defun shell-cmd (cmd)
     "Returns the stdout output of a shell command or nil if the command returned
      an error"
     (car (ignore-errors (apply 'process-lines (split-string cmd)))))

   (quelpa '(reason-mode :repo "reasonml-editor/reason-mode" :fetcher github :stable t))
   (use-package reason-mode
     (let* ((refmt-bin (shell-cmd "which refmt")))
       (when refmt-bin
     (setq refmt-command refmt-bin)))
      (lambda ()
    (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'refmt-before-save nil t)
    (setq-local merlin-command "~/.nvm/versions/node/v9.9.0/bin/ocamlmerlin")

I am happy to share any other details that might be relevant.

dysinger commented 6 years ago

I have also encountered this error recently. Emacs Company Merlin used to work on ReasonML (Bucklescript) projects just fine.

dysinger commented 5 years ago

I figured this out. You need odoc installed. You may close this issue.