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Support conditional compilation / static if #1359

Open bsansouci opened 7 years ago

bsansouci commented 7 years ago

Hey everyone :D I saw that Bucklescript has support for condition compilation but it's a preprocessor fed into -pp, which means we can't use it in conjuction with Reason (since refmt is also a preprocessor).

How could we support static if statement like Bucklescript does? It would help the cross platform story a lot in my opinion!

hcarty commented 7 years ago may be a good start. It may need to be updated to use omp and friends.

bobzhang commented 7 years ago

note bucklescript support of conditional compilation is baked in, the -pp is a fallback when you use a normal ocaml compiler. ppx is overkill, it would be nice that reason would have it baked in but it is more challenging to the printer

IwanKaramazow commented 7 years ago

Bucklescript solves this very elegantly in lexing. I'm not 100% sure how we should/can do this in Reason. Since the printer takes an ast & formats based on the tree, we'll need to augment the ast in some kind of way.

bsansouci commented 7 years ago

@hcarty's suggestion seems like the easiest and sanest for now

bsansouci commented 7 years ago

@IwanKaramazow @jordwalke It seems like refmt doesn't support the syntax for Do you know how we'd write that syntax in Reason? I couldn't find something that refmts.


This works for the first link :) Now gotta have crossplatform ppx-es

    if true {
      module FastHelpers = FastHelpersNative;
    } else {
      module FastHelpers = FastHelpersJs;
yyc-git commented 6 years ago

we need "Support conditional compilation / static if" in reason which is baked in!

@chenglou could you have a plan to support it?

yyc-git commented 6 years ago

@bsansouci how to use in reason? could you give me suggestion?

bsansouci commented 6 years ago

@yyc-git Hey, right now the only way to use ppx_const would be to depend on it on opam. You need to run

opam switch 4.02.3+buckle-master
eval `opam config env`

to get the right version of the compiler

then add "ocamlfind-dependencies": ["ppx_const"] to your bsconfig.json

I'm not 100% sure it'll work though, I have not tried it.

EDIT: ping me on discord if you want to chat. I can help better in real time.

yyc-git commented 6 years ago

@bsansouci Thanks for your reply!

bsansouci commented 6 years ago

@yyc-git Hey I just landed a change in bsb-native that should allow you to use matchenv. See for the syntax and all. You just need one file that'll be the one that will have its implementation swapped, and then call include [%matchenv ... like this, and switch to get the different implementation. BSB_BACKEND is a magical value that'll be filed in by bsb-native when compiling to each target :)

yyc-git commented 6 years ago

@bsansouci Thankes a lot.

Is Bsb(js backend) support it? I need it in js backbend anyway.

bsansouci commented 6 years ago

Yes, bsb-native is 100% compatible with bsb. Just small extensions to support compiling to bytecode/native :)

yyc-git commented 6 years ago

@bsansouci Good job~

now I'm using Reason 3, which require bsb 2.0. so does bsb-native support reason3? support bsb 2.0?

bsansouci commented 6 years ago

Yup bsb-Native supports reason 3 :)