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Incompatible syntax of `~./ocamlinit` #2579

Open yashrk opened 4 years ago

yashrk commented 4 years ago

After installing utop with opam I have the following ~/.ocamlinit:

(* ## added by OPAM user-setup for ocamltop / base ## 3ec62baf6f9c219ae06d9814069da862 ## you can edit, but keep this line *)
#use "topfind";;
(* ## end of OPAM user-setup addition for ocamltop / base ## keep this line *)

With this ~/.ocamlinit my rtop unsurprisingly fails with

Fatal error: exception File ".ocamlinit", line 1, characters 3-5:
Error: Unclosed "(" (opened line 1, column 0)

But if I replace default ~/.ocamlinit with

#require "core";

open Core;

as suggested at, this (also unsurprisingly) breaks utop:

File ".ocamlinit", line 1, characters 7-8:
1 | #thread;
Error: Syntax error

Can rtop use something like ~/.reasonmlinit or (preferrably) use ~/.ocamlinit converted on-the-fly with refmt?

dropofwill commented 4 years ago

Running into this as well. Interestingly rtop does seem to generate ~/.reasoninit:

/* Added by rtop */
let () =
  try (Topdirs.dir_directory (Sys.getenv "OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH")) {
  | Not_found => ()

But it still tries to load the ~/.ocamlinit and fails because of the same syntax errors you posted.

EDIT: looks like maybe the reasoninit file was left from an older install, I can't find any refs to it in the current rtop, but its there in the history.

domq commented 8 months ago

The ~/.ocamlinit value appears to be hard-coded in uTop's source code. We should probably create an issue there.

A workaround is to call rtop -init ~/.rtopinit in a wrapper shell script.