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"Assertion failed" when adding type definition #2587

Closed rolandpeelen closed 4 years ago

rolandpeelen commented 4 years ago


I ran into some strange behaviour earlier today. Given the following type definition:

type segment = {
  key: string,
  title: string,
  component: React.element,

And the following component:

 let make = (segments) => {
      -> => {
          <p key={segment.key}> segment.title->React.string </p>

When I change:

 let make = (segments) => {


 let make = (segments: array(segment)) => {

I get the following error:

Fatal error: exception File "", line 2799, characters 6-12: Assertion failed

Version: BuckleScript 7.3.2 ( Using OCaml:4.06.1+BS )

rolandpeelen commented 4 years ago


When I change it to a named parameter, it compiles;

 let make = (~segments: array(segment)) => {

I suspect this has something to do with the [@react.component] decorator expecting named parameters. As when I remove that and the ~, it compiles as well. The error message isn't particularly clear though.