rebane2001 / matterport-dl

A downloader for matterport virtual tours
The Unlicense
294 stars 75 forks source link

Texture Mapping Errors #31

Closed prestomation closed 2 years ago

prestomation commented 2 years ago

This is super awesome!

I tried to download one but the dollhouse textures are..all messed up.

Here is a screenshot from the download: image

and here from the source:


Is this a known issue? The matterport Id is shdeTtAQiX4

mitchcapper commented 2 years ago

please be sure to follow the readme and search the other bug reports if still an issue let us know.

prestomation commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Doing the advanced download and then serving files using the script(instead of something like SimpleHTTPServer) seemed to have worked. I missed the note in the README