rebane2001 / matterport-dl

A downloader for matterport virtual tours
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Solution to allow dollhouse/floorplan on static hosting #41

Open nebkat opened 2 years ago

nebkat commented 2 years ago

The following line can be inserted into showcase.js to replace the functionality currently present in the HTTP server:

if (s&&s.crop) {
    e = e.replace(".jpg", `.jpg${s.width ? `width=${s.width}_` : ''}crop=${s.crop}.jpg`)};

It is placed at the beginning of async getImageBitmap(e,t,i,n,s){ like so:

async getImageBitmap(e,t,i,n,s){if(s&&s.crop){e=e.replace(".jpg",`.jpg${s.width ? `width=${s.width}_` : ''}crop=${s.crop}.jpg`)}

This could probably be added to showcase.js by the script.

mitchcapper commented 2 years ago

This is a good work around, I still like the idea of trying to implement a javascript xhr proxy as noted in for long term external hosting. It could easily use the same rule set as the internal hosting and would be pretty robust against changes. Right now 99% of all the network requests matterport makes are XHR and would flow through it.

minhvunguyenj commented 2 years ago

The static hosting doesn't seem to load for me when I replace async getImageBitmap(e,t,i,n,s){const r=this.isSigned(e)?e:await this.getSignedUrl(e),o=(0,,s);return this.api.getImageBitmap(o,t,i,n)} with the code above. Am I doing something wrong? I still can't get the dollhouse and floorplan to work correctly

mu-ramadan commented 2 years ago

How we could host it on apache/nginx ?

smee commented 2 years ago

Actually, I had some success using the Readbean webserver: a standalone binary that runs on Linux, Windows, Mac and BSD. I took the main ideas from the python webserver and ported them to Lua.

Download Redbean 1:

curl -o

Add lua code and web framework from fullmoon:

zip -r .init.lua .lua/fullmoon.lua`

Add downloaded Matterport files:

cd <matterport folder>
zip -r ../ *

The lua code itself is rather simple:

local fm = require "fullmoon"

fm.setRoute("/api/mp/models/graph", function(r)
    local op = r.params.operationName
    local file = "/api/mp/models/graph_" .. op .. ".json"
    -- fm.logInfo("serving graph for operation " .. op .. ", serving file " .. file)
    if GetAssetMode(file) == nil
    then return fm.servePath("/api/mp/models/graph")
    else return fm.servePath(file)

fm.setRoute("/models/*/*.jpg", function(r)
    local crop = r.params.crop
    local width = r.params.width
    local path = r.path
    if width ~= nil then path = path .. "width=" .. width .. "_" end
    if crop ~= nil then path = path .. "crop=" .. crop end
    if crop == nil and width == nil then path = r.path else path = path..".jpg" end
    -- fm.logInfo("cropped image: " .. path)
    if GetAssetMode(path) == nil
    then return fm.servePath(r.path)
    else return fm.servePath(path)
fm.setRoute("/*", fm.serveAsset)