rebane2001 / matterport-dl

A downloader for matterport virtual tours
The Unlicense
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Open aarondsimons opened 1 year ago

aarondsimons commented 1 year ago

I’m a full noob when it comes to Github and Python, so this is how I did it – and it managed to work for me! I hope this can help anyone who needs it. Note: I’m using a MacBook with Terminal. I do not know the steps for Windows.

Step 1: Install Homebrew

  1. Open the application “Terminal” on your Mac.
  2. Paste this code in: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  3. Hit enter/return.
  4. Follow all of the instructions there, entering your password when needed, and pressing enter/return when needed.
  5. Once Homebrew is fully installed, close Terminal.

    Step 2: Install Python using Homebrew

  6. Reopen Terminal, and paste this code in: brew install python3
  7. Follow all instructions.
  8. Once Python has been fully installed, close Terminal.

    Step 3: Download the GitHub file

  9. Navigate to this page in your browser: (note: this is not the original tool created by rebane2001; it's an updated version by mu-ramadan. The original tool didn't work; THIS updated one is what worked for me!)
  10. Find the green <> Code button, click it, then click Download ZIP.
  11. The ZIP file will now be in your Downloads folder. Move the ZIP file to wherever you're going to want everything to be hosted. For me, this was simply my Documents folder.
  12. Double-click the ZIP file to open it and extract the contents. You'll now have a folder called matterport-dl-main in your selected location.
  13. You're almost there!

    Step 4: Identify your Matterport URL

  14. Using the "Developer tools" in your browser of choice, inspect the elements of the page with the Matterport virtual tour and find a link that looks like this: There will be a string of uppercase and lowercase letters at the end instead of "RANDOMLETTERS"
  15. Once you've found that, copy it and paste it somewhere safe, like in Notes or a Word document.
  16. For the remainder of this tutorial, I'm going to call this URL your MATTERPORTURL. *Whenever you see MATTERPORTURL in the codes below, remember to replace this text with your actual URL.

    Step 5: Identify your folder Pathname

  17. In Finder, locate the enclosing folder of the "matterport-dl-main" folder. (Like, for me, this was my Documents)
  18. Right-click (two-finger click or control-click) on the "matterport-dl-main" folder.
  19. Hold down the ⌥ Option key, then click Copy "matterport-dl-main" as Pathname.
  20. Paste this pathname in that safe place (Notes or Word document).
  21. It should look something like this: /Users/aaron/Documents/matterport-dl-main (depending on what your enclosing folder is).
  22. For the rest of this tutorial (which is almost done!), I'm going to call this pathname your PATHNAME. *Whenever you see PATHNAME in the codes below, remember to replace this text with your actual Pathname.

    Step 6: Archive your virtual tour

  23. Reopen Terminal.
  24. Paste in this code: cd PATHNAME (remember to replace PATHNAME with your actual Pathname)
  25. Hit enter/return.
  26. Now, paste this code in: python3 "MATTERPORTURL" --advanced-download (remember to replace MATTERPORTURL with your actual URL, and make sure the quotes are straight-quotes, not curly-quotes)
  27. Your virtual tour will begin to download fully! This could take a while. Don't close the Terminal app until you receive the "Done!" message at the very end.

    Viewing your archived Matterport tour

  28. Whenever you want to view your archived tour (even without internet!), you'll need to do this.
  29. Open Terminal and paste in this code: cd PATHNAME (like before, remember to replace PATHNAME with your actual PATHNAME)
  30. Paste in this code: python3 "MATTERPORTURL" 8080 (remember to replace MATTERPORTURL with your actual URL, and make sure the quotes aren't curly-quotes)
  31. Terminal should output something like this: View in browser:
  32. Copy that link ( and paste it into your browser to view your Matterport virtual tour!
  33. Note: You'll need to keep Terminal running while you view your Matterport virtual tour. Once you're finished viewing, you can close Terminal (and it's ok to click "Terminate").

I really hope this helps the noobs like myself download their Matterport virtual tours! I just finished packing up and moving out of my childhood home and I desperately wanted to archive a version of the house. If some things don't work in the process, scan the other comments on the Reddit thread for answers. One that helped me was running the pip3 install requests tqdm -U command in Terminal when I received an error message in Step 6. Like I said, I honestly know nothing about this whole process, so if you have any questions, I likely won't be able to help – but feel free to leave any comments anyway, and I'll try my best!

Also, sorry if this isn't the right place to put this. I just want to try and help as many people as possible!

coolguysa83 commented 1 year ago

Thank you soooooo much for taking the time to write this!!!! I followed your steps and was able to get it to work. I'm on Windows, the only thing I didn't have to do was install Homebrew and when installing Python I just used the normal windows installer.

petruut commented 10 months ago

this is great!! so considerate of you, since i had no clue how to even begin this.

what do you do if you get:

JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 145.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 217.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 231.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 27.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 284.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 324.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 325.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 327.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 330.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 335.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 401.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 408.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 477.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 521.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 573.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 62.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 625.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 648.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 65.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 654.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 662.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 675.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 729.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 858.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 933.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 948.js, will download for you though:) JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please file a github issue and tell us to add: 958.js, will download for you though:)

petruut commented 10 months ago

how do you fix this? image

coolguysa83 commented 10 months ago

how do you fix this? image

When you pasted it into terminal, did you make sure you were in the correct directory first, and when you pasted into the quotes, did you remember to include to the model number? For instance on mine, I had to get to the directory first by typing in cd C:\Users\Default.DESKTOP-6ARHGD2\Downloads\matterport-dl-main new\matterport-dl-main in the command prompt because I had my folder saved in a subfolder under my downloads folder. Once I got there, I typed in python3 "C:\Users\Default.DESKTOP-6ARHGD2\Downloads\matterport-dl-main new\matterport-dl-main\7BZL8BwbVNC" 8080 and it worked.

Planchee commented 6 months ago

this is great!! so considerate of you, since i had no clue how to even begin this.

what do you do if you get:

JS FILE EXTRACTED BUT not known, please fil...

Hey, not sure if you got it sorted, but the solution was to use Mu-Ramadan's fork. Unfortunately, that apparently stopped working too now (HTTP 401 error).