rebeccaXam / XamForms.Controls.Calendar

Custom calendar control for Xamarin.Forms. Customizable border thickness, color, background colors and formats. Version 1.0.8 or lower Built against: Version 1.1.0 or above Built against:
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The ultimate feature request: Customizable day views #74

Open developMediaSoft opened 6 years ago

developMediaSoft commented 6 years ago

We need to display more information about specific days*. Unfortunately, the day is now a mere Xamarin.Forms.Button derivative, which is not a very customizable View. Would you be open to changing CalendarButton into a different, more customizable kind of view, or perhaps allowing the user to provide a custom one conforming to some inteface?

With the former, you could fire an event at the element creation (something like System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar's DayRender) enabling the user to customize the view. The latter would defer the choice of (compliant) View to the user. Either way, your calendar control would become useful to more people, and you would be able to refer people requesting exotic features to this functionality.

*More specifically, each day should show multiple activity indicators in a way similar that the calendar on the left side of this image does:

P.S. Ideally, perhaps, as is the practice in Xamarin.Forms, we would be able to provide an ItemSource, and a day template (in XAML too). In any case, the first step is to change the CalendarButton.

ali-h2010 commented 6 years ago

You have 3 options here Option 1: Wait for the original developer to response. My experience with this option is not good. Since i needed one simple feature that is to make the dates undeselectable and i didn't get any response on that or how to swipe to navigate the months. That is not to say that it's the fault of the original developer and i am very thankful for him/her to create this awesome project.

Option 2: if you have experience in Swift and Xamarin.iOS or Xamarin.Android, you can do it yourself. in iOS the class CalendarButtonRenderer.cs The developer is drawing the lines and the days numbers in their places.

Option3: Try Syncfusion's calendar. They have a free license for community and companies with profit less than 1 million.