[ ] "Executive Summary" at the beginning- can put under the new heading for it
Jamaica statistic in 2nd paragraph of section 1.1
Should "H-2" in first paragraph of section 1.2 be "H-2A"?
2nd paragraph of section 1.3- Feedback: "This paragraph only reports the first mode of enforcement. Please also provide the other modes to complete this paragraph." RJ: "I think for revisions, we could switch phrasing to drawbacks of complaint-driven enforcement and then the next sections outline different ways to improve."
2nd paragraph of section 1.3- Need citation for claim at the end of the paragraph
Last paragraph of section 1.4.2- Elaborate on "actual issues" statement
Section 1.4.3- Define trusted messengers and provide citation reference
Section 3.1- Only list research questions, and move methods/findings to the relevant sections
Section 3.1 Question 3- confirm that Cam got the abbreviations (ACS, NAICS, SOC) correct and see if we need more explanation
Section 4.1- Provide source reference/website link for the data program
Section 4.1- Add footnote explaining how the links link out to publicly-available code
Section 4.1- Address "Please clarify" note
Section 4.1- Add footnote to clarify what CASE_STATUS means
Section 4.2- Add footnote to provide more detailed information about the data, including the webpage
Section 4.3- Clarify the dataset used
Section 4.3- Add footnote to explain the National Trafficking Hotline
Cameron- check with RJ about "N ~ 155"
Section 5.1- Explain models in detail, identifying predictors of concern and the outcome variables in the models
Section 5.3- Add footnote to describe "fuzzy matching algorithm" in detail
Section 5.5.1, second paragraph- DOL comment: "It is unclear for what purpose these three reasons/statements serve. Please clarify and consider only reporting the stringent definition of an investigation"
Section 5.5.1, third paragraph- Clarify statement and whether outcome variable is continuous or categorical
Section 5.6- Clarify what the "similar criteria" are
Section 5.7- Clarify/add footnote with source reference for GroupShuffler() from Scikit learn
Section 6.1- Don't use "very low" or other relative language, quantify instead
Section 6.1- Clarify what test set refers to
All of Section 6.1- Need consistent rounding rule for computing percentages
Section 6.2.2- clarify what job orders means in that context
Section 6.3- Indicate data sources used when pooling from all states across 2014-2021
Section 6.3.1- Try to introduce LASSO without its abbreviation non-awkwardly, and also provide citation references
Section 6.3.2, second paragraph- Report quantitative data in the text instead of describing just "higher" or "lower" risk so readers don't need to read the table. Apply throughout the report where applicable.
Same paragraph- avoid using "higher risk" and throughout the report do not report differences when they are not statistically significant
Section 6.4- Provide the data in the text (in the paragraphs labeled 1, 2, and 3)
Section 6.4, last sentence- Quantify and avoid using "higher concentrations"
Footnote 6- Add time and link to press release if available
Move table 7 and 8 to an appendix "specifically describing the text analysis process"
Section 7- Elaborate on distinct entities being "flagged" based on the results of the data analyses
Section 7- Summarize data to support the claim that "it was less useful to predict which entities are likely to face local, TRLA-based oversight of activities versus federal oversight"
Section 7.3- Provide citation reference for risk-based sampling strategy
Move Supplementary Materials section into the appendices
Figure/Table Edits
Table 1- Add source citation and year below table. Also do this for other tables/figures where data are cited
Table 2- 3 notes in Overleaf (columns not aligned, add note to explain terms so table can stand alone, and move tables 2/3 along with detailed descriptions of analysis process to an appendix)
Appendix Table 16 (and other instances of Appendix) mentioned in the text, but no appendices in the report
Mentioned just before Table 3 in Overleaf- Add table listing research questions and the corresponding data sources/analysis methods used
Table 3- Not strictly speaking a table, they recommend revising
Section 6.2.1- Add time period covered in "6,000 - 8,000" range
Figure 2- "1. Please use “WHD investigation” to be consistent with the legend. 2. Please add a note to clarify the differences between WHD investigations and violations. 3. Please use a note to spell out all the acronyms in the tables or figures as they need to be able to stand alone without the need to read the text unless these is a glossary page provided upfront in the report."
Figure 3- "1. Please do not use a question in the title and revise it to an informative title, including what and how classified. Please apply this comment to revise the figure titles throughout the report where applicable. 2. Please place values on the bars (could be rounded to whole numbers) for clarity as these two figures intend to present counts and percentages. Please apply this comment to the other figures which report counts or percentages. 3. The text in the legend seems to be cut off. Please adjust and apply this comment throughout this report where applicable."
Section 6.2.1- Provide the actual data for the four categories in the text (from Figure 4)
Section 6.2.1- Provide reasons/data to support conclusion that "TRLA intake records (which largely derive from direct outreach workers to workers)---capture different employers in their enforcement purview"
Figure 4- Please provide the sample sizes (denominators) for the percentage data in the note for clarity. Please apply this comment to revise all the related tables or figures."
Figure 5- "Please add a note to explain “job orders” and “Investigations.” Please also explain why the areas after 2020-03-01 are shaded and have no data in the note. Please clarify whether the vertical axis for “Investigations” is counts or percent. Please apply this comment to Figure 6 as well. The x-axis is hard to read. Since it is “rounded to month,” please consider using “Jan-2019,” “Mar-2019” ... instead. Please apply this comment to Figure 6 as well."
Section 6.2.3- CG check with RJ how to replace \sim
Figure 7- Clarify what the values on the bar represent and use consistent formats, use "WHD investigations" consistently throughout the report, adjust the data labels that are hard to read
Figure 9- Avoid using symbols in the labels, like "TRLA intakes?", revise "had confirmed violations" in the title to "confirmed WHD-found violations" to be consistent with the axis, consider removing the None category
Section 6.2.3- provide in-text data to support the following claim: "We see that although the two types of oversight focus on generally similar types of employers, the TRLA intake records reflect a slightly higher proportion of agricultural equipment operators than WHD investigations."
Figure 10- Provide unit of measurement on the horizontal axis, fix label on vertical axis that seems to be cut off (I think "Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and" should have "Greenhouse" at the end)
Section 6.3.1- Elaborate on what "training/estimation set employers" means here
Figure 11- "1. We recommend moving this figure on the results of various tests to an appendix specifically on the modeling process to keep the main report focused on the findings. 2. Please add a note below the figure to spell out and explain all the acronyms in this figure."
Figure 12- 1. It is unclear what “label” means here in this comparison. Please clarify and also explain how to interpret these two figures in more detail in the text. 2. As the figures need to stand alone without the need to read the text, please add a note to explain the analytic model and the sample sizes used for the data shown in this figure and in Figure 13."
Table 4- "Please include the model applied to generate these probabilities in the title for clarity.
Please also provide a note to explain the analytic model and the sample size used to generate these predictions. Please also apply this comment to provide analytic models/methods and sample sizes for the other figures or tables where applicable."
Figure 17- "Please also add a legend for gray and darker gray in this map"- are they just referring to the areas where the county borders are clustered...?
Section 6.5- Explain in a note why the word "translat" from the text analysis is not "translate"
Section 6.5- "Please consider revising" term "leading indicator" because our design was observational and not experimental
Figure 18- Explain stemming
Figure 19- Use more specific title including what data sources are used and how classified
Writing Edits
Figure/Table Edits