rebeccaross / symposium-planning

This is a repository about the 2016 Breaking Barriers symposium planning
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Roundtable Topics and Details: feedback needed #2

Open rebeccaross opened 8 years ago

rebeccaross commented 8 years ago

Memo: Roundtables Update and Planning


  1. Early Intervention/SART Integrated Programs/CARE a. Description: b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Maureen Burness c. Roundtable Lead: Linda Llamas (Desert Mountain Children’s Center) d. Identified Participants: i. Mike Schertell (San Bernadino County Behavioral Health)
  2. K-12 School Based Mental Health Integrated Services a. Description: b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Lisa Miller c. Roundtable Lead: Jenae Holtz (CEO of Desert Mountain SELPA) d. Identified Participants: i. District Superintendents from San Bernardino/Desert Mountain.
  3. I-MTSS (Title Confirm?) a. Description b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Rick Saletta c. Roundtable Lead: Mike Lombardo (Placer County Office of Ed), Corinne Foley (Desert Mountain SELPA) d. Identified Participants:
  4. Probation Involved and Incarcerated Youth a. Description b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Rebecca Ross & Judge Mahoney c. Roundtable Lead: Placer presentation d. Identified Participants:
    e. (Matt Cervantes positive youth justice---Youth justice Initiative??)
  5. Data Sharing a. Description b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Elizabeth Estes c. Roundtable Lead: Claire Cunningham (San Mateo County Counsel) d. Identified Participants
  6. Funding Streams for Integrated Programming a. Description b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Reed Connell c. Roundtable Lead: Reed Connell d. Identified Participants
  7. Foster Youth a. Description: Meeting the social, emotional, and behavioral health needs of foster youth through interagency collaboration b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: James Wogan c. Roundtable Lead: James Wogan d. Identified Participants:
  8. Trauma Informed Care a. Description b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Marina Tolou-Shams c. Roundtable Lead: Dr. Martha Merchant (UCSF PROGRAM) d. Identified Participants:
  9. Cultural Competence/Disproportionality a. Description: This conversation will include both local and state efforts that are being implemented to address how to determine what issues of cultural competence need to be “discovered” in a system first, in order to address how to help staff be culturally aware, competent and then proactive in helping address the issues that exacerbate the challenges children face in our systems. b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Mildred Browne c. Roundtable Lead: Mildred Browne d. Identified Participants: Connie Silva-Broussard


  1. Transition Age Youth (we need a strong expert with this population such as Brian Blalock in order to pull off this table) a. Description: b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: ???? c. Roundtable Lead: Brian Blalock (if available), Maryam Adalat (MSW, PPSC), Derek Wang (LCSW PPSC) d. Identified Participants:
  2. CSEC (I have reached out to Judge Elizabeth Lee about this). a. Description: b. BB Roundtable Facilitator:???? c. Roundtable Lead: d. Identified Participants
  3. Collaborative Courts (I have reached out to Patti Lee of SF) a. Description: Judicial efforts and specialized courts to achieve case-specific interagency collaboration b. BB Roundtable Facilitator: Judge Mahoney? c. Roundtable Lead: Patti Lee???? d. Identified Participants