rebeccaross / symposium-planning

This is a repository about the 2016 Breaking Barriers symposium planning
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Data Collection and Surveys:Feedback needed #6

Open rebeccaross opened 8 years ago

rebeccaross commented 8 years ago

Marina wrote: Dear all, Attached please find examples of some of the organizational readiness to change measures I was referencing, along with two articles that describes context/use for these measures (and we can always adapt to our needs). I've also attached the readiness rulers I was referencing and I can send along the reference for that later (Sobell and Sobell) if we decide you want to use them (these can be adapted for whomever and whatever we are trying to assess-- you'll see these were used with the teens in my sub use studies).

Finally, below is a brief outline of notes from our call re: what we intend to assess pre/post symposium -- we are currently scheduled for our next call on Weds March 2 at 10am, however, I may now have a conflict that I cannot avoid. I don't want to hold you all up so plan on keeping that day/time for now and Jaime or I will keep you posted on my availability. Also, if I cannot be available, we will need someone else to set up/initiate the conference call.

Have a great three-day weekend all, Marina

Demographics Organizational readiness to change (climate) Readiness to change (individual)-- pre/post change-- readiness rulers Barriers (open-ended or closed-ended) What do you need from your agency to continue this conversation? What do you think is required to sustain these efforts? What are the underserved populations in our continuum of care? What are the service gaps?

Marina Tolou-Shams, Ph.D. Associate Professor, In Residence, UCSF Department of Psychiatry Director, Division of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ICAP), SF General Hospital Adjunct Fellow, University of Western Sydney

Contact Information San Francisco General Hospital 1001 Potrero Ave, Bldg 5, Rm 7M18 San Francisco, CA 94110 Phone: 415 206-2212 Email:

rebeccaross commented 8 years ago

Elizabeth wrote: Hi All,

On the service gaps question, I have been in numerous integration stakeholder meetings now and the question, "what does an entire continuum look like?", always comes up. The next question is inevitably, "Where can we go see it working?" Yesterday it was posed as, "What are mental health services?" "What are we really talking about children needing?"

What do you think of us having a large visual timeline people can actually write on with ages of children that asks, "What SEB services do you believe they need in schools and communities to stay healthy, in school, and out of trouble?" We could do Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. We could do different populations of children - race, ethnicity, foster care, delinquency.

Since we will have over 100 experts across systems in the room, would be interesting to gather their collective wisdom in a visual. Not a visual of who pays for it - a visual of the service needs. Any thoughts?

I thought of doing this open ended by survey, but a visual could be very interesting I think.

We should also ask where are our gaps as we originally discussed? And my question is whether we want to try to create identified boxes for that and then an "other"? Or whether we leave that open ended? Marina was saying open ended is much harder to analyze.

Looking forward to talking more.

There are many people who will be in the room with decades of experience across systems, from on the ground to our current state policy drivers. Since we are pulling them together, we should definitely make the data collection as impactful as possible.


rebeccaross commented 8 years ago

Marina wrote: i like the visual timeline idea -- could be a great experiential activity for all involved. i think you could have a few open-ended items that could be coded later-- but i would try and err on the side of more closed ended if you think you have knowledge of adequate number of potential closed-ended responses (checkboxes, all that apply etc)

rebeccaross commented 8 years ago

Supriya wrote: Dear all,

I found many different general surveys for conferences, but they all have to be tweaked a bit for our purposes. Here are a few examples:

This one is a general conference evaulation:

Another one:

This one asks for demographic info:

This has a nice list of possible questions to ask:

I think it might be best if we build our own survey, maybe with surveymonkey. Once we've figured out exactly what data we want to collect, I'm happy to do a draft of general survey questions, and then send it to you for suggestions.

Looking forward to our next call, Supriya