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More Solutions #6

Open oliverepper opened 1 month ago

oliverepper commented 1 month ago

Hi @rebeccaskinner

I enjoy the book. I'd love to see your solutions for the later chapters, though. Are you planning to push them, here?

greetings, Oliver

rebeccaskinner commented 1 month ago

I'm glad you're enjoying the book! I apologize for being so delayed on getting the rest of the solutions out, I'm recovering from some burnout and I needed to take a long break to recover, but I do plan to get back to finishing up all of the solutions as well as posting some extra chapters and the full source for the example applications soon.

You can expect to start seeing more solutions going up in the next few weeks. I'll leave this issue open and update it as new content lands so that you can get notifications, and I'll close the issue once I've finished putting up solutions for all of the chapter exercises.

oliverepper commented 1 month ago

Hey @rebeccaskinner

perfectly understandable. Take all the time you need. Health is always more important.

And, to be perfectly honest, not having some of the answers forced me to thing a little harder to find them myself which makes for a better learning experience, anyways :-D