Our server is not letting any NPC based model (metrocop, male_07, breen) to have any animation, and thus are t-posing. We have tried playing around with nut.anim.setModelClass in sh_schema to remedy this problem but to no avail. Only playermodels for sandbox (models/player/xxx.mdl) and certain others such as Combine Control models are displaying animations, but only 'player' animations, the ones used in sandbox.
Our server is not letting any NPC based model (metrocop, male_07, breen) to have any animation, and thus are t-posing. We have tried playing around with nut.anim.setModelClass in sh_schema to remedy this problem but to no avail. Only playermodels for sandbox (models/player/xxx.mdl) and certain others such as Combine Control models are displaying animations, but only 'player' animations, the ones used in sandbox.