rebelonion / Dantotsu

Anilist client based on Saikou
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Feature requests #445

Open Chickenshrimps opened 3 days ago

Chickenshrimps commented 3 days ago

Add a data saver option for manga and anime both. While opening certain anime/manga it takes quite much of my data to actually start playing episode/chapter Data saver option would be best for not only smooth browsing through mangas/anime section but also to download episodes/chapters without taking toouch of a data Pls look forward to it, Thank you

sneazy-ibo commented 3 days ago

The only thing I could think of for data saving is not loading any images and just displaying text instead. Regarding the second thing you mentioned it also means that you are going to give up on image and video quality. Also what you are requesting has been requested many times before already so please check if your idea is actually something new

Chickenshrimps commented 3 days ago

Yes some chapters does load properly and source error exception pops on my screen several times. Pls fix it in the next update

itsmechinmoy commented 3 days ago

And source error exception pops on my screen several times. Pls fix it in the next update

We don't maintain source (ask aniyomi to fix it)

Chickenshrimps commented 3 days ago

They said the same you did 😔

Chickenshrimps commented 3 days ago

They don't maintain since all the source was taken down.

sneazy-ibo commented 3 days ago

We don't maintain source (ask aniyomi to fix it)

bruh they won't fix it, it literally got dmca'ed 😭

itsmechinmoy commented 3 days ago

bruh they won't fix it, it literally got dmca'ed 😭


itsmechinmoy commented 3 days ago

Also what you are requesting has been requested many times before already so please check if your idea is actually something new

most suggestions here had already been suggested b4r in discord T_T