rebelonion / Dantotsu

Anilist client based on Saikou
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ABC Source order when selecting sources? Or grouped by language at least? And set a default source? #461

Open EliCodesForFun opened 1 month ago

EliCodesForFun commented 1 month ago

It gets pretty crazy to scroll through sources, and the order seems like it's random or loosely sorted by recently added sources. It can be a lot to pick the right source every time you're trying to read something.

Also, not sure why you can't pick a default source or to use the last source from the settings. You can resort them from the list of sources by dragging them around, so maybe adding an ABC order or being able to sort them by language (ex. If the source is Spanish, Japanese, Chinese) together, that'd be good as well.

sneazy-ibo commented 1 month ago

The reason you can drag sources around is not just for aesthetics. The default source is the source that is on the top of the installed extensions. When it can't find any results with that source it cycles to the next one underneath it. Regarding the order in the available extensions sections, it is sorted by how the repo on Github sorts them. I can relate to your problem with manhwas however you don't even need a handful of sources to find all your content, that's why the search feature exists to help.

Tbh the language selector does need some rework in the media selector and in the source library but I am not getting paid enough to do this (jk the code is just too nested)