rebelot / heirline.nvim

Heirline.nvim is a no-nonsense Neovim Statusline plugin designed around recursive inheritance to be exceptionally fast and versatile.
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How to target the background highlight of Winbar's surrounded symbols? #149

Closed TLSingh1 closed 1 year ago

TLSingh1 commented 1 year ago

Hey fam, thank you so much for making my favorite plugin ever!

Sorry if it wasn't clear, but as the title suggests how might I accomplish changing the background highlight of the surround symbols inside of the winbar?

I've attached an image that shows more clearly what I'd like to change.


This is my winbar:

local WinBar = {
      condition = function ()
        return not conditions.is_active()
      utils.surround({ " ", " " }, "#000000", { hl = { fg = "#1AF0F1", force = true }, FileName }),
      condition = function ()
        return conditions.is_active()
      utils.surround({ "", "" }, "#00363C", { hl = { fg = "#1AF0F1", force = true }, FileName }),

And here are my nvim's highlights. Perhaps my issue lies here? (sorry I'm a mega noob)

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('ColorScheme', {
  callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function ()
    vim.cmd("highlight ActiveWindow guibg=#011826")
    vim.cmd("highlight InactiveWindow guibg=#000000")

    vim.cmd('hi WinBar guibg=#011826 guifg=#ff44e0')
    vim.cmd('hi WinBarNC guibg=#000000 guifg=#ff44e0')

    vim.cmd("highlight NeoTreeTabActive guifg=#1affff guibg=#011826")
    vim.cmd("hi NeoTreeWinSeparator guifg=#011826 guibg=#011826")
    vim.cmd("hi NeoTreeGitStaged guifg=#1aff94")

    vim.cmd('highlight BufferTabpageFill guibg=#000000')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferCurrent guifg=#1AFFFF guibg=#00363C')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferVisible  guibg=#011826')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferInactive guibg=#011826')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferCurrentSign guibg=#000000')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferVisibleSign guibg=#000000')
    vim.cmd('highlight BufferInactiveSign guibg=#000000')
  -- group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('foo', {})

Any guidance would be super appreciated! Thanks again

TLSingh1 commented 1 year ago

11 minutes later... lol sorry for the trouble.

For the future,

local WinBar = {
            condition = function()
                return not conditions.is_active()
            utils.surround({ " ", " " }, "#000000", { hl = { fg = "#1AF0F1", force = true }, FileName }),
            condition = function()
                return conditions.is_active()
            utils.surround({ "", "" }, "#00363C", { hl = { fg = "#1AF0F1", force = true }, FileName }),
            hl = { bg = "#011826" },