rebelot / heirline.nvim

Heirline.nvim is a no-nonsense Neovim Statusline plugin designed around recursive inheritance to be exceptionally fast and versatile.
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fix(colors): defer loading colors if `colors` is a function #190

Closed mrcjkb closed 3 months ago

mrcjkb commented 3 months ago

Hey :wave:

This PR originates from this rocks.nvim thread.

The problem in the discussion is that the colorscheme plugin, mini.base16, requires a setup function to configure the colour palette. If the plugin is configured after this plugin's colours are loaded, the palette is not applied.

heirline.load_colors accepts a function as an input, and one would expect the function to be evaluated lazily, when needed. But, it is evaluated immediately, essentially making the fact that you can pass it a function useless.

This PR proposes a change to lazily load the colours when they are needed, if the argument passed into heirline.load_colors is a function. As a result, users don't have to worry about the order in which they configure their plugins.

Apart from that, the behaviour is unchanged.

bew commented 3 months ago

Would it then make sense (maybe in another PR) to call this function again after the colorscheme was changed?

mrcjkb commented 3 months ago

Would it then make sense (maybe in another PR) to call this function again after the colorscheme was changed?

Hmm, that sounds like an interesting idea. Is there a way to detect colorscheme changes?

bew commented 3 months ago

Is there a way to detect colorscheme changes?

There is the ColorScheme autocmd

rebelot commented 3 months ago

colors() is evaluated immediately because its main purpose was to be used during ColorScheme events as described here, providing users a way to execute some code to redefine the colors on colororscheme changes.

This PR should address colorscheme changes (see utils.on_colorscheme)


If the plugin is configured after this plugin's colours are loaded, the palette is not applied.

could doautocmd ColorScheme after loading such plugin solve this?

mrcjkb commented 3 months ago

If the plugin is configured after this plugin's colours are loaded, the palette is not applied.

could doautocmd ColorScheme after loading such plugin solve this?

The affected user probably didn't have such an autocommand set up. I suppose if they had, they wouldn't have encountered this issue.

rebelot commented 3 months ago

The affected user probably didn't have such an autocommand set up. I suppose if they had, they wouldn't have encountered this issue.

Then I guess this pretty much invalidates this PR... I really appreciated your effort but I think that relying on the ColorScheme autocmd to reset highlights and color definitions makes more sense and solves the issue in the simplest way