rebelot / heirline.nvim

Heirline.nvim is a no-nonsense Neovim Statusline plugin designed around recursive inheritance to be exceptionally fast and versatile.
MIT License
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Heirline crashes when there isn't enough horizontal space for the bar #79

Closed alexandersix closed 1 year ago

alexandersix commented 1 year ago


Hi there! Love Heirline–it's probably the best Nvim statusline I've used.

I'm having an odd error that's causing some problems in my normal workflow. I use AstroNvim which, as of the 2.0 release, comes with Heirline preinstalled and preconfigured (configuration below). Recently, I started getting seemingly random crashes and stack overflows (screenshot also below) from Heirline, and when I dug into it today, I realized that Heirline only encounters the error when there is not enough horizontal space to fit all of the statusline information.

I went through the stack trace and realized that the error originates from the expand_or_contract_flexible_components function in the `utils.lua file, which seems to be in line with my observations about window width. From there, though, I'm not well-versed enough in Lua to really have much more of an insight into what could be happening.

Hopefully, this can point someone in the right direction to opening a PR fix! I'm happy to help however I can, so don't hold back with questions or other things to try!

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Expand terminal emulator to the full width of screen (obviously, results here will vary based on screen size and resolution)
  2. Open a file in Nvim and see the statusbar work
  3. Shrink terminal emulator window to the point where parts of the statusbar have collapsed
  4. Perform an action like creating a new split to the right (multiple actions can do this, but this is the simplest for example's sake)
  5. See the error appear
  6. Heirline is replaced with the default Nvim statusline


Neovim Version: 0.8 - Release

Last Updated:

Heirline Configuration ```lua heirline = function(config) -- statusline config[1] = { hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" }, astronvim.status.component.mode(), astronvim.status.component.git_branch(), astronvim.status.component.file_info( astronvim.is_available "bufferline.nvim" and { filetype = {}, filename = false, file_modified = false } or nil ), astronvim.status.component.git_diff(), astronvim.status.component.diagnostics(), astronvim.status.component.fill(), astronvim.status.component.macro_recording(), astronvim.status.component.fill(), astronvim.status.component.lsp(), astronvim.status.component.treesitter(), astronvim.status.component.nav(), astronvim.status.component.mode { surround = { separator = "right" } }, } -- winbar config[2] = { fallthrough = false, -- if the current buffer matches the following buftype or filetype, disable the winbar { condition = function() return astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches { buftype = { "terminal", "prompt", "nofile", "help", "quickfix" }, filetype = { "NvimTree", "neo-tree", "dashboard", "Outline", "aerial" }, } end, init = function() vim.opt_local.winbar = nil end, }, -- if the window is currently active, show the breadcrumbs { condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_active, astronvim.status.component.breadcrumbs { hl = { fg = "winbar_fg", bg = "winbar_bg" } }, }, -- if the window is not currently active, show the file information { astronvim.status.component.file_info { file_icon = { highlight = false }, hl = { fg = "winbarnc_fg", bg = "winbarnc_bg" }, surround = false, }, }, } -- return the final configuration table return config end, ```
Screenshots: **Heirline (for reference)** image **Stack Overflow Error** image
rebelot commented 1 year ago

Dear @alexandersix, thanks for your efforts!

Unfortunately I am unable to reproduce the issue with my and other testing configurations.

This is likely fault of one flexible component, and possibly one that generates children each time it is evaluated (possibly a navigation component), which then creates an infinite call stack every time it's evaluated to check its lenght.

I think you should verify that this is the case, then I'll have a look at AstroNvim implementation of components

alexandersix commented 1 year ago

Hey @rebelot, thanks for taking a look! Sorry that you weren't able to reproduce–definitely sounds like an issue with a specific AstroNvim flexible component.

I'll take a look and figure out which component specifically is causing the issue. Thanks for the insight about a potential issue being a component that generates children on each evaluation; I'll start my search there!

I'll report back when I have more information. It's it's an AstroNvim-specific component, I'll open an issue on that repository as well.

Uduchi2nd commented 1 year ago

Hi, I also ran it this problem with Astrovim. For my situation, it was much easier to reproduce than @alexandersix 's . I just had to spin up more than 7-8 vsplits, and heirline will crash. I tested each AstroVim component individually, and found the astronvim.status.component.lsp() to be the culprit. When it is the only component enabled, creating a lot of vsplit will cause heirline to crash.

mehalter commented 1 year ago

@rebelot Just a heads up, the component that was originally reported is just using vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_bug_get_name(0), "%p") as the function provider. This component doesn't use the flexible component stuff at all directly so I'm confused why Heirline's utils are jumping in here. Our (AstroNvim's) status API doesn't actually use heirline.utils at all so I figured it would separate us from that code. It seems to pop up when the full path gets very very long and we aren't trimming it down. This might be what's causing the stack overflow? Could you shine some insight why the expand_or_contract_flexible_component stuff is kicking in when we aren't using it.

rebelot commented 1 year ago


Because of this in the main eval function:

the utility is always called, but should return immediately if there's no flexible components:

But from the stack trace, it seems there are indeed flexible components to evaluate (eval is being called from there, this is needed to check the length of the component)

rebelot commented 1 year ago

I really wouldn't know how to reproduce this and I have a pretty complex config..

Screenshot 2022-10-26 at 18 17 35
rebelot commented 1 year ago

could you please try b6044c8d650904f205999e6eea0dae81b38b713f? I still can't really figure out why that's happening but following the stack trace that's where __index gets called seemingly endlessly.

mehalter commented 1 year ago

Ah, I'm not completely understanding of what this is doing under the hood, but I do think that this resolves the problem for me! :D Thanks so much for taking a look @rebelot ! I will keep testing it and see if I can get another stack overflow, but I do think this resolves it

mehalter commented 1 year ago

@alexandersix @Uduchi2nd could you guys also test this latest commit and see if it resolves your stack overflows? :)

alexandersix commented 1 year ago

@mehalter I'll give it a go as soon as possible and report back.

Thank you and @rebelot for being so quick about working on this. Massive props to the both of you 🙌🏻

--EDIT-- I pulled that commit using Packer and am sadly still having the same overflow issue. Here's the new trace (it just has new line numbers now, associated with the changes that were made in the recent commits)

New Stack Trace image
vycoder commented 1 year ago

I'm encountering the same issue. In my setup, it happens on a smaller monitor with a lower resolution (1366 x 768). Then I have a v-split. Save the session, quit then re-open the session.

Note that the error won't show the first time you do a v-split. It errors out when it starts to load on a vsplit with minimal on low resolution screen.

krishnakumarg1984 commented 1 year ago

I still have this same issue when opening even a single vertical split on my 14" laptop. I am on AstroNvim too.

rebelot commented 1 year ago

Can you please retry with latest commit?

I am very sorry but being unable to reproduce the issues I am going a little bit blind here. I would be super helpful if some of you could pinpoint the component that's causing the error so I can take a look at the implementation.

@mehalter does AstroNvim make use of flexible components anywhere? I am very surprised to see the error spawns from a function that should run to that point only if flexible components are present

could some of you try this command and report the output?

:lua for _, c in ipairs(require'heirline'.statusline._flexible_components) do vim.pretty_print( end
alexandersix commented 1 year ago

Retry w/ Latest Commit

Hey @rebelot, just tried with your latest commit (9b814e6) and I'm still getting the same error.

Pinpointing the Erroring Component

Also, I'm so sorry, I misread an earlier comment and thought we had narrowed down which component was causing the issues!

I took some time this morning to play around with the default Heirline config in AstroNvim by adding the snippet found here (second image in this section) to my user configuration file. Turns out, at least from what I can tell, the lsp() component is causing the issue, but only when it is paired with another component on the bar.

So, for example, with a configuration that looks like this:

["heirline"] = function(config)
    config[1] = {
        hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" },

Heirline works no matter the size of the window.

However, with a configuration that looks like this:

["heirline"] = function(config)
    config[1] = {
        hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" },

Heirline will throw that error when the screen is too narrow to fit both components.

To reiterate, this issue with the lsp() component occurs with any of the other components, not just treesitter(), provided you can get the nvim window narrow enough.

Command Output

Also, I tried the command you put in your last comment and this was the result:

{ 9, 2, 1, 1, 1 }

krishnakumarg1984 commented 1 year ago

could some of you try this command and report the output?

{ 6, 1, 1, 1, 1 } { 9, 2, 1, 1, 1 }

krishnakumarg1984 commented 1 year ago

Also, things are breaking even with a single window (i.e. a single buffer/split).

E5108: Error executing lua ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:369: stack overflow
stack traceback:
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:368: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:372: in function 'traverse'
    ...k/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/statusline.lua:382: in function 'eval'
    ...e/pack/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/utils.lua:229: in function 'expand_or_contract_flexible_components'
    ...te/pack/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/init.lua:75: in function <...te/pack/packer/start/heirline.nvim/lua/heirline/init.lua:66>
krishnakumarg1984 commented 1 year ago

I also get a (different?) error when, after opening an empty buffer, I open a lua file: E5108: Error executing lua error in error handling and then the status line disappears.

alexandersix commented 1 year ago

I also get a (different?) error when, after opening an empty buffer, I open a lua file: E5108: Error executing lua error in error handling and then the status line disappears.

@krishnakumarg1984 I've been noticing that I get this error when I open a window too quickly after launching Nvim. Possibly related, but I'd imagine that something involving the error handling hasn't loaded so instead of showing the full stack trace, this little error is shown. I don't have the Lua chops to prove that, but that's what I'd assume.

mehalter commented 1 year ago

@rebelot we do make use of the flexibile components in the lsp component where we display the LSP client names and if it gets too long then it will shorten them.

rebelot commented 1 year ago

@alexandersix Thank you again for your clarifications. I was confused by a comment stating the pinpointed component was different from what you originally reported.

I am looking at the layers cast by AstroNvim over heirline. I might just end up installing it to help with debugging. I am going to ask you one last curtesy, could you please use this config

["heirline"] = function(config)
    config[1] = {
        hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" },

and report the output of the command

:lua =require'heirline'.statusline
rebelot commented 1 year ago

I could finally find a way to reproduce. The bug is due to setting the update field directly to a flexible component. I still need to grasp why.

local crash = u.make_flexible_component(1, { provider = "craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash" }, { provider = "or not" })
crash.update = { "User", pattern = "DoCrash" }

vim.cmd("wincmd 300v | doau User DoCrash")

This won't crash

local dontcrash = {
    update = { "User", pattern = "DoCrash" },
    u.make_flexible_component(1, { provider = "craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash" }, { provider = "or not" })
vim.cmd("wincmd 300v | doau User DoCrash")

Once I understand why this is happening we'll be able to fix this

alexandersix commented 1 year ago

That's fantastic @rebelot! Glad we could finally reproduce it–makes me feel a little less crazy.

In case you still need it, here's the output from =require'heirline'.statusline. If there's any other way I can help, let me know!

Command Output ```lua <1>{ <2>{ { _tree = <3>{ "%#Stl2c323c_2c323c__# %*" }, fallthrough = true, hl = , id = { 1, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "bg", fg = "lsp_bg" }, provider = " ", = }, <4>{ <5>{ <6>{ <7>{ { _tree = <8>{ "%#Stlcdd6f4_2c323c__#%*" }, fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, provider = , =
}, { fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2 }, provider = "", =
}, __index = , _priority = 1, _tree = <9>{
}, _win_child_index = { 1 }, fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 1 }, init = , merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, pick_child = { 1 }, restrict = { _win_child_index = true }, =
}, <10>{ { _tree = { "%#Stlcdd6f4_2c323c__# sumneko_lua, misspell, stylua, luacheck%*" }, fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, provider = , =
}, { fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2 }, provider = " LSP", =
}, __index = , _au_id = 97, _priority = 2, _tree = <11>{ "%#Stlcdd6f4_2c323c__# sumneko_lua, misspell, stylua, luacheck%*" }, _win_cache = { "%#Stlcdd6f4_2c323c__# sumneko_lua, misspell, stylua, luacheck%*" }, _win_child_index = { 1 }, fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 }, init = , merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, pick_child = { 1 }, restrict = { _win_child_index = true }, update = { "LspAttach", "LspDetach", "BufEnter" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <12>{
}, fallthrough = true, id = { 1, 2, 1, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <13>{ "%@v:lua.heirline_lsp@",
, "%X" }, fallthrough = true, hl = { fg = "lsp_fg" }, id = { 1, 2, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "lsp_fg" }, on_click = { callback = , name = "heirline_lsp" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <14>{
}, fallthrough = true, hl = , id = { 1, 2 }, merged_hl = { bg = "lsp_bg", fg = "fg" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <15>{
}, condition = , fallthrough = true, id = { 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "bg", fg = "fg" }, =
}, <16>{ { _tree = <17>{ "%#Stl2c323c_2c323c__# %*" }, fallthrough = true, hl = , id = { 2, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "bg", fg = "treesitter_bg" }, provider = " ", =
}, <18>{ <19>{ { _tree = { "%#Stla6e3a1_2c323c__#綠TS%*" }, fallthrough = true, id = { 2, 2, 1, 1 }, merged_hl = { bg = "treesitter_bg", fg = "treesitter_fg" }, provider = "綠TS", =
}, __index = , _au_id = 87, _tree = <20>{ "%#Stla6e3a1_2c323c__#綠TS%*" }, _win_cache = { "%#Stla6e3a1_2c323c__#綠TS%*" }, fallthrough = true, hl = { fg = "treesitter_fg" }, id = { 2, 2, 1 }, init = , merged_hl = { bg = "treesitter_bg", fg = "treesitter_fg" }, once = true, update = { "OptionSet", pattern = "syntax" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <21>{
}, fallthrough = true, hl = , id = { 2, 2 }, merged_hl = { bg = "treesitter_bg", fg = "fg" }, =
}, __index = , _tree = <22>{
}, condition = , fallthrough = true, id = { 2 }, merged_hl = { bg = "bg", fg = "fg" }, =
}, __index = , _buflist = {}, _flexible_components = {
}, _tree = {
}, _updatable_components = {}, fallthrough = true, hl = <23>{ bg = "bg", fg = "fg" }, id = {}, merged_hl =
, winnr = 1, = { __index = , _eval = , _freeze_cache = , broadcast = , clear_tree = , eval = , find = , get = , get_win_attr = , is_empty = , local_ = , new = , nonlocal = , set_win_attr = , traverse = } } ```
mehalter commented 1 year ago

Wow thank you so so much for your help @rebelot !!! Let me know if there is anything you would like me to do to help with the investigation!

rebelot commented 1 year ago

It should be fixed now.

@mehalter on a side note, consider the difference here

-- 1
local updatable_flex = utils.make_flexible_component(1, { ... }, { ... })
updatable_flex.update = { ... }

-- 2
local flex_updatable = utils.make_flexible_component(1, { ..., update = {...}}, { ..., update = {...}})

in the first case, the flexible component won't shrink nor expand until the update event is fired, and this is intended behaviour, in the second case, the flexible component will shrink or expand, but the displayed child will just use the cached value. I If I read correctly, you're implementing a version of the first approach, but I think the second approach is what you actually want with the LSP component.

alexandersix commented 1 year ago

@rebelot That seems to have done the trick! Thanks so much for doing all the hard work–I very much appreciate it! 🎉

mehalter commented 1 year ago

Thank you again @rebelot for investigating this so thoroughly and identifying/implementing a fix so quickly :) Also thanks for going the extra mile and taking a look at our implementations as well ! What you said makes total sense and I have gone in and improved our LSP component implementation. Cannot express my gratitude enough for all of this! 🥳

rebelot commented 1 year ago

Thank you guys for your feedback and helping me to improve this plugin :)