rebelot / kanagawa.nvim

NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai.
MIT License
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Lost italics #190

Open pmatulis opened 8 months ago

pmatulis commented 8 months ago

I'm using Alacritty as my terminal emulator, Tmux as my terminal multiplexor, Neovim as my editor, and Nert Font JetBrainsMono as my font. In the beginning, when first testing Kanagawa, I had italics for comments. Somewhere along the line I lost them. I've disabled the treesitter Neovim plugin as I thought that it might be interfering, but without success. I have the following in my Kanagawa config:

  compile = true,
  undercurl = false,
  commentStyle = { italic = true },
  functionStyle = {},
  keywordStyle = { italic = true},
  statementStyle = { bold = true },
  typeStyle = {},
  transparent = false,
  dimInactive = false,
  terminalColors = true,
  colors = {
      palette = {
          sumiInk3 = "#2A2A37",     -- background (less dark)
          waveBlue1 = "#43242B",    -- visual selection (maroon)
          surimiOrange = "#DDDDDD"  -- values, booleans
  overrides = function(colors)
      return {}
  background = {
      dark = "wave",
      light = "lotus"

Can you advise what should I be looking at?

terje commented 5 months ago

Hi there, I had the same problem as you but the tips in this issue fixed it for me:

Hope something of this helps!