reboottime / UI-UX-For-SPAs

Some UI/UX practices I accumulated on building SPAs or browsing products on internet
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[UI/UX] On Enterprise application #4

Open reboottime opened 1 year ago

reboottime commented 1 year ago


  1. Customize The Command Bar In A Power Apps Model-Driven App
  2. Carbon Design System: popover


An live example about table user experience


reboottime commented 1 year ago


A popover is a UI component that displays additional information or options when a user interacts with a particular element, typically by clicking on it. You can use a popover when you need to provide users with additional context or functionality related to a specific element on the page, without cluttering the interface with too many visible options or distracting the user from their current task.

Overall, popovers can be a useful tool to improve the user experience of your web application or website by providing additional context or functionality when needed, without overwhelming the user with too much information at once.

reboottime commented 1 year ago


reboottime commented 1 year ago


When to use

  1. Require an immediate response from the user Use a dialog to request information that is preventing the system from continuing a user-initiated process.

  2. Notify the user of urgent information Use a modal dialog to notify the user of urgent information concerning their current work. Modal dialogs are commonly used to report system errors or convey a consequence of a user’s action.

  3. Confirm a user decision Use a modal dialog to confirm user decisions. Clearly describe the action being confirmed and explain any potential consequences that it may cause. Both the title and the button should reflect the action that will occur. If the action is destructive or irreversible then use a transactional danger modal.


reboottime commented 1 year ago




  1. ant design pro dashboard example
  2. IBM carbon design system example
  3. breadcrumb usage from atlassian
reboottime commented 1 year ago

Progress Indicator ( Stepper)

Define: A progress indicator is a visual representation of a user’s progress through a set of steps, guiding toward the completion of a specified process.

UI sample ( from Mantine UI):


Common Challenges:

  1. Challenge: How can you save the data of each step in a large workflow with many forms, each containing different data, while ensuring that the functionality to preserve form data when the page is refreshed is supported?

    1) Server side solution: cache each workflow step's data on server side and prune data periodically or ask user to clean up draft data, each step has a unique id related to the workflow id. 2) Session storage solution: similar as servers side solution

  2. Performance matter: Memorize each steps with React.memo

General Patterns:

  1. Elevate the data storage to parent component, the the form data submit handler accepts the value as a union type of each step's form data
reboottime commented 1 year ago

Workflow of filling information

Depending on business needs or backend validation requirements, we may prioritize certain information and ask users to provide it early in the process to ensure a smooth and efficient workflow.

In general, it's a good practice to prioritize important information and ask users to provide it early in the process. This can help to reduce the risk of errors or delays in the workflow, and ensure that the necessary information is available when it's needed.