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User story template (Title) #2

Open jannypie opened 7 years ago

jannypie commented 7 years ago


Copy the text from the code box below and paste it into a new issue. Use the text as a template to create useful, accurate user stories.

An example of how your user story will appear is below the code box.

Copy text

*As a/an _____ I want _____ so that _____* (Write user story)

### Acceptance Criteria

#### Functional Criteria

(List the functional (interactive) requirements to meet the user story)

#### Operational Criteria

(List the non-functional (appearance) requirements to meet the user story)

#### Performance Criteria

(List the performance requirements to meet the user story)

Sample story

As a/an I want so that _____ (Write user story)

Acceptance Criteria

Functional Criteria

(List the functional (interactive) requirements to meet the user story)

Identify specific user tasks, functions or business processes that must be in place. A functional criterion might be “A user is able to access a list of available reports.” 1

Operational Criteria

(List the non-functional (appearance) requirements to meet the user story)

Non-functional Criteria: Identify specific non-functional conditions the implementation must meet, such as design elements. A non-functional criterion might be “Edit buttons and Workflow buttons comply with the Site Button Design.”1

Performance Criteria

(List the performance requirements to meet the user story)

If specific performance is critical to the acceptance of a user story, it should be included. This is often measured as a response time, and should be spelled out as a threshold 1


1: What Characteristics Make Good Agile Acceptance Criteria?