rebtd7 / FF13Fix

Performance and bug fixes for the PC versions of FF13 and FF13-2
GNU General Public License v3.0
329 stars 22 forks source link

ffxiii-2 game will not launch #63

Open dannydorrito opened 3 years ago

dannydorrito commented 3 years ago

hi im having an issue where after starting the game from the launcher it just does not start at all, any help would be appreciated

dannydorrito commented 3 years ago

the zip also shows a s a trojan in windows defender???

rebtd7 commented 3 years ago

Please try the newest version, and post the FF13Fix.log if it doesn't work.

As for Windows Defender: If you downloaded the zip from the Github page, it is a false positive. I've tried to report as false positive in, but they keep complaining that I'm using a work email, even though I'm not (@Nucleoprotein can you try?). You are, of course, free to analyze and compile the code yourself.

dannydorrito commented 3 years ago
[TIME]      [THREAD]    [LOG]
08:29:28.369    00024592    FF13Fix 1.6.4
08:29:28.369    00024592    Enabling hooks:
08:29:28.369    00024592    initializeHooks = 0
08:29:28.372    00024592    Loaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll
08:29:28.372    00024592    createHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0
08:29:28.398    00024592    enableHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0
08:29:28.399    00024592    createHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0
08:29:28.425    00024592    enableHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0
08:29:28.425    00024592    createHookCreateWindowExA = 0
08:29:28.450    00024592    enableHookCreateWindowExA = 0
08:29:28.450    00024592    createHookCreateWindowExW = 0
08:29:28.476    00024592    enableHookCreateWindowExW = 0
08:29:28.477    00024592    createHookSetWindowLongA = 0
08:29:28.502    00024592    enableHookSetWindowLongA = 0
08:29:28.502    00024592    createHookSetWindowLongW = 0
08:29:28.527    00024592    enableHookSetWindowLongW = 0
08:29:28.527    00024592    AutoFix for "Final Fantasy XIII-2" enabled
08:29:28.528    00024592    Base Addr = 790000
08:29:28.528    00024592    Target frame rate set to 120.000000
08:29:28.644    00024592    HWND 0x001F1152: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName"
08:29:32.732    00024592    MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9
08:29:32.775    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier
08:29:32.777    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier
08:29:32.778    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier
08:29:32.781    00024592    MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9Ex
08:29:33.082    00024592    HWND 0x00AB0DD6: ClassName "Static", WindowName: "test"
08:29:33.083    00024592    MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9
08:29:33.121    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface
08:29:33.121    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice
08:29:33.121    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix
08:29:33.121    00024592    BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3
08:29:33.204    00024592    HWND 0x00201152: ClassName "SQEX.CDev.Engine.Framework.MainWindow", WindowName: ""
08:29:33.207    00024592    MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9
08:29:33.248    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface
08:29:33.249    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice
08:29:33.249    00024592    hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix
08:29:33.249    00024592    BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3
08:29:33.249    00024592    Changing refresh rate from 60 to 0
08:29:33.312    00024592    HWND 0x00600C02: ClassName "CicMarshalWndClass", WindowName: "CicMarshalWnd"
08:29:34.351    00021272    HWND 0x00180F38: ClassName "D3DProxyWindow", WindowName: "D3DProxyWindow"
Illynir commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem. The problem seems to come from the launcher itself, I tried with a custom launcher and the game launches fine with the desired options and FF13Fix.

Not sure why though.


ImNaoo commented 2 years ago

I'm having that exact same issue

[TIME] [THREAD] [LOG] 16:22:13.192 00006208 FF13Fix 1.6.4 16:22:13.193 00006208 Enabling hooks: 16:22:13.193 00006208 initializeHooks = 0 16:22:13.195 00006208 Loaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll 16:22:13.195 00006208 createHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0 16:22:13.221 00006208 enableHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0 16:22:13.222 00006208 createHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0 16:22:13.248 00006208 enableHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0 16:22:13.248 00006208 createHookCreateWindowExA = 0 16:22:13.274 00006208 enableHookCreateWindowExA = 0 16:22:13.274 00006208 createHookCreateWindowExW = 0 16:22:13.300 00006208 enableHookCreateWindowExW = 0 16:22:13.300 00006208 createHookSetWindowLongA = 0 16:22:13.326 00006208 enableHookSetWindowLongA = 0 16:22:13.327 00006208 createHookSetWindowLongW = 0 16:22:13.353 00006208 enableHookSetWindowLongW = 0 16:22:13.353 00006208 AutoFix for "Final Fantasy XIII-2" enabled 16:22:13.353 00006208 Base Addr = d30000 16:22:13.475 00006208 HWND 0x00380976: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName" 16:22:16.961 00006208 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 16:22:17.005 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier 16:22:17.054 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier 16:22:17.073 00006208 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9Ex 16:22:17.309 00006208 HWND 0x000B0BA2: ClassName "Static", WindowName: "test" 16:22:17.309 00006208 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 16:22:17.344 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface 16:22:17.345 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice 16:22:17.345 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix 16:22:17.345 00006208 BehaviorFlags: 00000054 D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE 16:22:17.345 00006208 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3 16:22:17.425 00006208 HWND 0x00390976: ClassName "SQEX.CDev.Engine.Framework.MainWindow", WindowName: "" 16:22:17.427 00006208 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 16:22:17.466 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface 16:22:17.466 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice 16:22:17.466 00006208 hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix 16:22:17.466 00006208 BehaviorFlags: 00000054 D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE 16:22:17.466 00006208 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3 16:22:17.466 00006208 Changing refresh rate from 60 to 0 16:22:17.533 00006208 HWND 0x00160B68: ClassName "CicMarshalWndClass", WindowName: "CicMarshalWnd" 16:22:17.536 00006208 HWND 0x00170B68: ClassName "CicMarshalWndClass", WindowName: "CicMarshalWnd" 16:22:19.118 00010296 HWND 0x00060BDE: ClassName "D3DProxyWindow", WindowName: "D3DProxyWindow"

Windows 11 nvidia rtx 2060 amd ryzen 5 3600 32 gb ram D9 mods: hd mod ( works fine without XIIIfix )