rebtd7 / FF13Fix

Performance and bug fixes for the PC versions of FF13 and FF13-2
GNU General Public License v3.0
329 stars 22 forks source link

Crash on launch, Works fine without fix. #82

Closed SimonBuysse closed 2 years ago

SimonBuysse commented 2 years ago

[TIME] [THREAD] [LOG] 11:14:32.475 00013500 FF13Fix 1.6.4 11:14:32.475 00013500 Enabling hooks: 11:14:32.475 00013500 initializeHooks = 0 11:14:32.478 00013500 Loaded C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll 11:14:32.478 00013500 createHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0 11:14:32.489 00013500 enableHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0 11:14:32.489 00013500 createHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0 11:14:32.504 00013500 enableHookDirect3DCreate9Ex = 0 11:14:32.504 00013500 createHookCreateWindowExA = 0 11:14:32.520 00013500 enableHookCreateWindowExA = 0 11:14:32.520 00013500 createHookCreateWindowExW = 0 11:14:32.535 00013500 enableHookCreateWindowExW = 0 11:14:32.535 00013500 createHookSetWindowLongA = 0 11:14:32.535 00013500 enableHookSetWindowLongA = 0 11:14:32.535 00013500 createHookSetWindowLongW = 0 11:14:32.551 00013500 enableHookSetWindowLongW = 0 11:14:32.551 00013500 AutoFix for "Final Fantasy XIII-2" enabled 11:14:32.551 00013500 Base Addr = 9d0000 11:14:32.689 00013500 HWND 0x000A072E: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName" 11:14:35.311 00013500 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 11:14:35.395 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier 11:14:35.395 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier 11:14:35.395 00013500 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9Ex 11:14:35.573 00013500 HWND 0x000706DC: ClassName "Static", WindowName: "test" 11:14:35.573 00013500 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 11:14:35.611 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface 11:14:35.611 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice 11:14:35.611 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix 11:14:35.611 00013500 BehaviorFlags: 00000054 D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE 11:14:35.611 00013500 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3 11:14:35.674 00013500 HWND 0x000B072E: ClassName "SQEX.CDev.Engine.Framework.MainWindow", WindowName: "" 11:14:35.674 00013500 MainContext::HookDirect3DCreate9 11:14:35.696 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::QueryInterface 11:14:35.696 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice 11:14:35.696 00013500 hkIDirect3D9::ApplyCreateDeviceFix 11:14:35.696 00013500 BehaviorFlags: 00000054 D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING D3DCREATE_MULTITHREADED D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE 11:14:35.696 00013500 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3

SimonBuysse commented 2 years ago

Edit: Compatibility modus had to be off for the fix to work but getting audio buzz without it so unplayable anyway. Not this repo's fault.