rebus-org / Rebus.RabbitMq

:bus: RabbitMQ transport for Rebus
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incorrect implementation of RabbitMqQueueOptionsBuilder.SetAutoDelete() #57

Closed jarikp closed 4 years ago

jarikp commented 4 years ago

Corrected error in RabbitMqQueueOptionsBuilder.SetAutoDelete(): it was impossible to configure QueueTTL unless autoDelete is ON, and those are completely independent parameters in RMQ.

The original version cannot be used to setting queue TTL and not enabling autoDelete at the same time. To workaround one had to disable auto-delete through SetAutoDelete() and set queue TTL as AddArgument("x-expires",TTL_MS).

Rebus is MIT-licensed. The code submitted in this pull request needs to carry the MIT license too. By leaving this text in, I hereby acknowledge that the code submitted in the pull request has the MIT license and can be merged with the Rebus codebase.

jarikp commented 4 years ago

incorrect check-in, will try again