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Outbox pattern support #819

Closed kewinbrand closed 2 years ago

kewinbrand commented 5 years ago


Have you ever considered implementing outbox pattern in Rebus? I'm willing to help if necessary =)


mookid8000 commented 5 years ago

It's definitely something I've considered, yes. πŸ˜„

Do you need it?

MattMinke commented 5 years ago This video gives a good overview of things to take into account with the outbox pattern and the level of durability it can provide for messages. The ability to ensure business critical messages are queued and consumed, and consumed only the expected number of times, is very powerful. I am in the process of evaluating Rebus, Mass Transit, and NServiceBus, and I am still at the point of not knowing what I dont know so its very possible I don't need outbox and there are other ways to accomplish the level of reliability we will need, but on first impression it feels like this is something I might need.

I would be curious to know how people are handling mission critical messages and ensuring everything works as expected currently? One of the workloads (not the first workload we are planning on leveraging messaging for , but one on the list) we are looking to begin using messaging for has some serious financial ramifications for our customers and the company if we lose messages or consume messages multiple times.

Tsjunne commented 5 years ago

This is definitely one of the patterns, i'd love to see in this library. The transaction standpoint of Rebus is of course very valid (idempotency all the way), but it's not always possible or trivial. A client i'm at right now has a service handing out unique keys, so that's kind of a hassle to get idempotent. Especially since they need to get tracked. The outbox pattern would help a great deal to get this done, without having to change the model.

mookid8000 commented 4 years ago

Just a though: I don't think adding outbox support to Rebus would be so hard, and I don't even think it would require any kind of changes to any of the existing libraries.

An outbox for Rebus could work by

and possibly more.

These two hooks – decorating ITransport and adding an incoming pipeline step – are well-documented extension points, and they're fairly easy to understand and use.

jr01 commented 4 years ago

I would also love to see this Outbox feature.

In my mind it's similar to the IdempotentSaga feature (, where the IdempotentSaga acts as the Outbox. So implementing Outbox can be a copy/paste/slimmed down version of Sagas+IdempotentSaga I think.

Thinking further on this. If Outbox and Saga were persisted transactionally then a separate IdempotentSaga concept would no longer be needed. Also not having to load the entire saga state just for checking if the message is a redelivery could benefit performance.

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

Could this be potentially implemented as a a decorated ITransport that just sent out a Deferred message with current timestamp using the an ITimeoutManager? Something like:

    public Task Send(string destinationAddress, TransportMessage message, ITransactionContext context)
        if (message.Headers.ContainsKey(Headers.DeferredUntil))
            return internalTransport.Send(destinationAddress, message, context);
            var deliveryTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            message.SetDeferHeaders(deliveryTime, destinationAddress);
            return timeoutManager.Defer(deliveryTime, message.Headers, message.Body);

I was hoping this would be trivial to implement and I could leverage existing supported database timeout storage and leverage the existing timeout manager pipeline step to do the real outbound transport send. The only hitch I ran into has been that it doesn't seem possible to easily have the timeout manager participate/share the database connection and transaction with the same connection/transaction that my handlers are using.

mookid8000 commented 4 years ago

Definitely an interesting idea.... but, if the outbox feature should be good, I think it will be necessary to design it from scratch.

One of the most important things to consider, which you've also discovered, is how the user's database connection + transaction is shared with the outbox. This part should be super-neat, but it should also be extensible – it should at least be possible for SQL Server, Postgres, and Oracle to be used as outboxes, but it would also be neat to be able to use RavenDB and MongoDB (which has had multi-document ACID transactions since version 4).

Tsjunne commented 4 years ago

I've spent some time a while ago trying to find the necessary extension points. I think this would need some changes in the base package. From what i can see, the implementation shouldn't be much different from the idempotent saga implementation, with the difference being that the outbox should be a separate persistence model, instead of embedding pending messages in the saga store.

In that respect, a message being handled with outbox enabled would have some kind of system generic saga instance that would, in effect, be the outbox record.

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

@mookid8000 So in the post you made in November you mentioned a two-part solution. A decorated transports that stores the outgoing messsages + incoming step. I assume the incoming step with msg id check is for incoming message deduplication (which I see as a separate feature from outbox store-and-forward). If I just wanted to do outbox store-and-forward, I imagine there would be a background worker thread that just reads in messages from storage and forwards them on to the underlying real transport. Where do you imagine is the best place to launch or manage this background thread? Or do you think there might be a better way to go about this?

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

I still think there is a case to be made that there should be some way to make timeout managers share connection and transaction with transports that share underlying transactional technologies. In the case of outbox pattern, deferred messages also need to participate in the outbox transaction so that they don't go out if underlying business transaction fails. I'm not sure how I would implement this requirement without duplicating a lot of timeout manager code. Essentially if a timeout manager could share connection and transaction, then outbox would simply become a defer with immediate send time.

mookid8000 commented 4 years ago

When you

await bus.Defer(delay, message);

the message does not get saved immediately to the timeout storage – it gets the appropriate headers, and then it gets sent to "the timeout manager".

By default, "the timeout manager" will be the sender's own input queue, but it could also be an external timeout manager (if one is configured).

Therefore, if an outbox was implemented, timeouts would be subject to the same outgoing messages guarantees as all other outgoing messages.

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

In writing my background task that forwards outbox->transport I'm running into the issue of how to create a TransactionContext. I'm using DispatchIncomingMessageStep as an example.. and there it simply news one up. However, I can not simply use that because it is internal and so I can not new it up in my code. Is there a reason why TransactionContext class can not be made public, or alternative a way to query an ITransactionContext from the container? In the meantime I've just copied the class into my project, but would love to get some thoughts on this.

mookid8000 commented 4 years ago

You can create a scoped transaction context like this:

using (var scope = new RebusTransactionScope())
    //          here it is πŸ‘‡
    var context = scope.TransactionContext;

    await scope.CompleteAsync();
pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

I don't get this ... Transactional outbox is a pattern for getting an atomic data change and event send operation. Isn't that what you get by using the RebusTransactionScope, or configure and code a solution where Rebus transport and Db back-end share connection and transaction (ie. TransactionScope for Sql server)? Why would you need something in addition?

Can someone please enlighten me as I must have misunderstood some concepts in Rebus.

mookid8000 commented 4 years ago

What is Rebus' transaction scope good for?

RebusTransactionScope helps you bundle and delay bus operations:

using (var scope = new RebusTransactionScope())
    await bus.Send(someCommand);

    await bus.Send(anotherCommand);

    // time goes by - nothing has actually been sent yet
    // more time goes by
    // NOW it will be sent
    await scope.CompleteAsync();

For instance, if you're in a web application, you can use a RebusTransactionScope in your OWIN/MVC Core pipeline to delay bus operations until AFTER you've successfully committed your database work and generated a response for the client.

Since bus operations are generally MUCH less likely to fail, this design is really great in many scenarios.

Also, many transports don't support any kind of atomic transaction around multiple send/publish operations. In fact, I think only MSMQ can do that... and then of course if you're using one of RDBMSs, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or Oracle, as the transport.

How can it integrate with System.Transactions.TransactionScope?

It can't.

Not even if you are using SQL Server as the transport.

At best, it would be able to enlist in a distributed transaction, which your db work transaction would also be part of, but the transactions would be distinct and would come with all of the annoying issues that distributed tranactions bring with them.

How would an outbox for Rebus work?

By somehow configuring Rebus to use an outbox:

    .Outbox(o => o.(...))

BUT the hard part would be to provide a sensible API for sharing a database connection and its ongoing transaction between your code and Rebus' transport.

The usual Rebus way would be something like

    .Outbox(o => o.UseSqlServer(what?))


    .Outbox(o => o.UseEntityFramework(what?))

but my imagination doesn't know what to put in what?'s place above, which would enable this.

Maybe it would be a requirement that you use Rebus.UnitOfWork?

Because then the configuration API could force you to somehow hook up the necessary connection and transaction stuff with Rebus in a way that makes it available both to Rebus' outbox and to your application, most likely via handler injection.

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

@mookid8000 Thank you for your detailed explanation, I got mixed up by Rebus.Transport.RebusTransactionScope class and Rebus.TransactionScope namespace :)

But still, I think the solution should be based around System.Transactions.TransactionScope and maybe some injected connection factory.

Outbox has to be implemented by a transaction based store used by both transport and data. In my imagination :) there shouldn't be an outbox configuration, but a variation of the transport configuration. If you need some other kind of message delivery it should be configured as a duplicated message bus that reads from the transaction based store and publish to RabbitMQ or whatever.

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

Currently, we have a high need for outbox to be able to retrofit an application that used to use MSMQ and distributed transactions with rebus and a custom Kafka transport and outbox. The way we wrote it was something like:

                .Transport(t =>
                    t.UseKafka("txtest", kafkaConfig);
                    t.WithPostgresOutboxStore("outbox",  someConnectionProvider);

We pass a connection provider to the "PostgresOutbox" and use HandleMessageInsideTransactionScope() to handle the shared transactions between our handlers and the outbox send.

The outbox transport just decorates the underlying transport, replacing the sends with a save to the outbox and passing through receives as-is. We get the connection from our container (Autofac) but it's sort of a hack since we just look it up from the rebus transaction context by the hard-coded key that the autofac container adapter is using to store it in. If we are not in a rebus transaction, we just new up a new connection. Now that you mention unit of work, it may be possible to expose the container scope through that?

The last issue I had, is that we want to be able to have sagas participate in the same database transaction (postgres) as our outbox and our application code. Seems like it would be easy to do we just told the saga code not to do anything with transaction and let the System.Transaction.TransactionScope deal with it. The CustomPostgresConnectionProvider included in Rebus.PostgresSql has the option to disable autoStartTransactions but it is useless because the underlying PostgresConnection will throw if not given a transaction. Is this by design? It's weird because the code doesn't make sense:

        public async Task<PostgresConnection> GetConnection()
            var connection = await _provideConnection();
            var transaction = _autoStartTransactions ? connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted) : null;
            return new PostgresConnection(connection, transaction);

and then:

     public PostgresConnection(NpgsqlConnection currentConnection, NpgsqlTransaction currentTransaction)
            _currentConnection = currentConnection ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(currentConnection));
            _currentTransaction = currentTransaction ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(currentTransaction));

Would it be possible to change this to have it not manage transactions and just let a pipeline step wrap that in a system TransactionScope??

cocowalla commented 4 years ago

I've built an outbox before for a producer that published messages to RabbitMQ, but I used SQLite, rather than an out-of-process database like Postgres or SQL Server.

You won't get quite the same guarantees of course, since if the producer's disk is borked then the outboxed messages are lost.

But a high-availability setup for outboxed messages is overkill for most scenarios (and what's the chance of the broker being down and the consumer disk breaking at the same time?), and would come with a hefty performance penalty, whereas the penalty is much smaller with something like SQLite.

dtabuenc commented 4 years ago

@cocowalla What you are describing is simple store-and-forward. The outbox pattern is a more specialized versions of this who's purpose is not so much protecting us if the broker is down, but rather providing transactional guarantees. It is a replacement or alternative to distributed transactions, Thus the outbox pattern relies on persisting the message in the same transaction and database that is being used by the message handler to transact the business logic.

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

Following up on my earlier comments, outbox with SQL server for a publish only service can be done like this:

// create some connection accessor
public interface ISqlConnectionAccessor
    SqlConnection Connection { get; }

// create a connection factory for Rebus, where connection is handled external
Task<IDbConnection> connectionFactory() => Task.Run(() => (IDbConnection)new DbConnectionWrapper(sqlConnectionAccessor.Connection, null, true));

// configure bus
 obj.AddRebus(configure => configure
     .Transport(t => t.UseSqlServerAsOneWayClient(new SqlServerTransportOptions(connectionFactory)))
     .Subscriptions(s => s.StoreInSqlServer(connectionFactory, subscriptionTableName, isCentralized: true, automaticallyCreateTables: false))

// create a System.Transaction.TransactionScope
using var scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled);

// alter your data  
SqlCommand command = sqlConnectionAccessor.Connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "whatever";

// publish message
bus.Advanced.Topics.Publish(topic, msg)

// complete transaction

Not completely tested, but looking good. A pub/sub with leased transport gets more complicated, but we are looking into it :)

agerchev commented 4 years ago

Hey, i have tried @pi3k14 solution and it worked for me. I have successfully "pushed" the connection and transaction from our application. Know i need to do the reverse - reuse the sqlConnection, initiated from rebus, in our app. i can access the TransactionContext and from there - DbConnectionWrapper The problem is that i cannot access the underling connection of the driver. For now i have inherited the DbConnectionWrapper and exposed the connection but is a hack after all :( Is there a more clever solution ?

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

Hi @agerchev, our take on this is to implement our own version of IDbConnectionProvider that also returns the connection. The implementation gets or adds the actual SqlConnection to rebus AmbientTransactionContext.Current.Items.

agerchev commented 4 years ago

Yes, i have implemented IDbConnectionProvider. The point is that i have to reimplement the DbConnectionWrapper too or do this:

public class RebusConnectionWrapper : DbConnectionWrapper
        public SqlConnection Connection { get; private set; }
        public SqlTransaction Transaction { get; private set; }

        public RebusConnectionWrapper(SqlConnection connection, SqlTransaction currentTransaction, bool managedExternally) :
            base(connection, currentTransaction, managedExternally)
            Connection = connection;
            Transaction = currentTransaction;

so i can access the sqlConnection again.

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

As long as your IDbConnectionProvider implementation caches its connection in AmbientTransactionContext.Current.Items you don't have to do that. Your implementation would have public Task<IDbConnection> GetConnection(), which is for Rebus (returning an DbConnectionWrapper), and public SqlConnection CreateConnection(), which is for you. If these find a cached connection that is just returned instead of creating a new one. You would set the managedExternally flag in the wrapper based on who does the creation.

rsivanov commented 4 years ago

The problem of sharing a common transaction context by reusing the same connection instance is a typical one. I used a couple of helper classes for that at work (DbConnectionScope and LocalTransactionScope) and after reading this thread decided to share them before submitting a PR for an Outbox abstraction for Rebus. Feel free to use as is or modify to your needs.


rsivanov commented 4 years ago

I made a draft of an outbox abstraction for Rebus in a separate repository to have some starting point for later improvement.

IOutboxStorage defines methods to store and retrieve messages. A possible implementation for Sql Server should take a Func<Task> connectionFactory as a configuration parameter the same way as SqlServer transport. To share a common connection instance in an application we could use something like DbConnectionScope to implement that connectionFactory function.

OutboxConfigurationExtensions contains an extension method Outbox, that allows to configure, whether to run a background task for sending stored outbox messages. It could be turned off to allow a separate host to do a centralized processing of outbox messages or to use some other means of delivering outbox messages (e.g. Debezium).

Ideally an outbox abstraction should be included in Rebus repository to simplify dependencies management. That would allow to implement IOutboxStorage in Rebus.SqlServer repository.

jods4 commented 4 years ago

I haven't dug deep into this for a while, so hopefully I'm not writing non-sense.

Sharing a transaction between Rebus and the actual work performed is the "easy" solution but isn't truly the Outbox pattern. In this mode, consuming the incoming message, queuing new outgoing messages and performing work all happen atomically, which is nice and avoids problems altogether. (go for it if you can)

The outbox pattern is meant for cases where sharing this transaction is not possible. E.g. heterogenous DBs without distributed transactions, file system access, etc. It requires saving new outgoing messages in a temporary Outbox, which should be (somehow) transactional with the actual business work. When an incoming message is handled a second time, the process should be idempotent and associated messages in Outbox should be sent.

There's a fair bit of book-keeping so I agree @rsivanov that in an ideal world Rebus would handle most of it. There are design decisions to be taken (e.g. where is the outbox persisted? who handles duplicate messages?). I think the design should favor ease of consumption (i.e. Rebus should do as much of the heavy-lifting as possible).

Here's a proposal that requires the introduction of two new API for the handler:

  1. New handler must determine a unique id (string, so that anything meaningful for business can be used here: entity id, multiple serialized attributes, guid) for the business of handling this message.
  2. New this id is communicated with a call to BeginOutbox(id: "something-repeatable")
  3. Handler performs some work, which should be idempotent. 3.a. So if the message was a duplicate, id above should have been the same and nothing should actually be done. 3.b. If the message was new, work is performed, including some Send(), which Rebus would persist in the Outbox, associated to the handler id.
  4. When handler is done, it should commit its work. 4.a. New First it should call CommitOutbox(), which does what the name says: it persists the outbox messages inside the Rebus storage. 4.b. Then it should commit its own work and return.
  5. Having successfully returned, Rebus will mark the incoming message as handled and send outbox messages atomically. Outbox messages are identified with the handler id. They have just been created for a new message; they were there from a previous execution in a duplicate message.

Possible crashes:

As for storage, maybe we don't need a new interfaces at all? Couldn't those messages be saved in the existing queues, with a different status? Or maybe they could be put in a special outbox queue, similar to the poison or audit queues design?

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

@jods4, I think you put to much into what a Transactional outbox "is allowed to be". You can find a definition here, the main point being - not use distributed transactions. If using Sql server both for entity storage and Rebus transport it would be "stupid" not fuse that into a single operation instead of adding an extra Outbox to your entity storage and an extra service to relay between Outbox and bus. In addition it is only necessary with an Outbox for pure publishing. Inside event handling that is not necessary, as you would rely on "at-least-once" delivery and idempotent operations. You don't need Outbox for reading queued events.

rsivanov commented 4 years ago

"If using Sql server both for entity storage and Rebus transport it would be "stupid" not fuse that into a single operation instead of adding an extra Outbox to your entity storage and an extra service to relay between Outbox and bus."

That's right, when you use Rebus with SqlServer transport, you don't need an Outbox, you just need to share a local transaction between SqlServer transport and your business logic. That's what Func<Task> connectionFactory allows you to do.

You need to use Outbox only when your transport doesn't support a local transaction with your code - such as RabbitMq for example. In that case you need a local outbox storage in the same database that your code works with, and that's what IOutboxStorage abstraction is all about.

agerchev commented 4 years ago

I think that @jods4 maybe be right about the interfaces. Afterall we all need a transactional commit with the rest of our application data. This can be done with a characteristic of the transport as @pi3k14 has shown . Unfortunatelly not all of the db transports support it. If they can follow the same pattern as mssql transport it would be very helpfull(or there be some generic implementation and just plug the command creation for the specific commands : create queue, send, receive ....) Then it needs to be implemented just the forwarding from one transport (db in the case acting as the outbox ) to the other(it can be rabbitmq or other software afterall). In this case every transport can be used as outbox store if it is approptiate and the tx/connection can be reused ofcourse.

@pi3k14 why to cache the connection when this is done by the transport. I think it is much simpler just to access it, it is allready there and it is supposed to be accessed(as described in the comment of the constant in sqltransport class )

jods4 commented 4 years ago


the main point being - not use distributed transactions.

Absolutely, that's what I meant when I said "The outbox pattern is meant for cases where sharing this transaction is not possible."

If using Sql server both for entity storage and Rebus transport it would be "stupid" not fuse that into a single operation instead of adding an extra Outbox to your entity storage and an extra service to relay between Outbox and bus.

I fully agree, and said "Sharing a transaction [...] is the "easy" solution [...] (go for it if you can)".

In addition it is only necessary with an Outbox for pure publishing. Inside event handling that is not necessary, as you would rely on "at-least-once" delivery and idempotent operations. You don't need Outbox for reading queued events.

I think it's the opposite. Pure publishing doesn't require an Outbox. Once the message is published (committed), Rebus guarantees at least once delivery and your handler should be idempotent to avoid duplicated work. That's all there is to it.

When reading events, your handler might be (1) doing some work, e.g. in a DB; (2) sending further messages. You really want (1) and (2) to be atomic, as messages should not be lost, and should not be sent unless (1) is actually committed. If you can't enclose (1) and (2) in a single transaction, the atomicity can be provided by the Outbox pattern.


In that case you need a local outbox storage in the same database that your code works with, and that's what IOutboxStorage abstraction is all about.

You could design your outbox in different ways, this would be one way to do it.

I proposed an alternative design where the outbox is provided by Rebus storage instead because I thought:

  1. It puts less work on the handler. The design you propose means that each handler must provide a transactional Outbox storage, which means multiple stores if different handlers use different DB (here we use both Oracle + Sybase).
  2. It puts less constraints on the handler. Previous point becomes even more complex if your handler works with non-transactional storage such as the file system.
  3. Rebus API in general are simpler, point 1 above requires some per-handler config.
  4. More work can be provided by Rebus itself in shared code, notably the persistence of messages. In my previous message I highlight that a clever design might even bypass the need for support from the provider!

The main drawback of my approach is additional complexity in the case of failures before step 4.b. in my previous message. It can be worked out, I made a suggestion but I guess there are alternatives.

rsivanov commented 4 years ago

"It puts less work on the handler. The design you propose means that each handler must provide a transactional Outbox storage, which means multiple stores if different handlers use different DB (here we use both Oracle + Sybase)."

If you have multiple databases, you will need an outbox for each one of them. That's the only way to send messages in a local transaction with the business logic. This is by definition - Transactional Outbox.

jods4 commented 4 years ago


That's the only way to send messages in a local transaction with the business logic.

What's the flaw in my design?

A local transaction is a nice commodity but it's possible to design systems without built-in transactions. It's harder but possible, after all someone has to implement the transactions in the first place.

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

@agerchev - as for caching, you need some way to access the same connection that might have been created by Rebus or by your Entity data store. LocalTransactionScope by @rsivanov might be used, or something along my condensed description to you.

@jods4 - the concept of Transactional outbox is to have an atomic commit of entity change and event published. This is only needed when you do a publish. When publishing as a result of subscription (ie. in the event handler), you don't need this if your handler is idempotent because a "crash" would just result in the event being handled one more time. A "crash" during entity update/event publishing without Transactional outbox would lead to entity update without event or event without entity update. An open transaction during event handling is not wise because it could/will be open for to long and cause concurrency issues.

jods4 commented 4 years ago

you don't need this if your handler is idempotent because a "crash" would just result in the event being handled one more time.

It's not as simple. Your handler goes:

  1. Perform DB work
  2. Send Message

Then a crash after 1. implies a retry and if your handler detects idempotency, it will do nothing and that message in 2 will never be sent. You need a way to be sure that message is sent again during the idempotent retry and it's not something you want to custom implement for every handler. That's the service that the Outbox provides.

A "crash" during entity update/event publishing without Transactional outbox would lead to entity update without event or event without entity update.

OK I see what you mean here. There are multiple ways to tackle this, but starting a Bus "handler" with an outbox is indeed a way to make this work.

pi3k14 commented 4 years ago

@jods4 - are you speaking about Idempotent Sagas? An ordinary event handler doesn't have any idempotency check.

  1. Perform idempotent DB work, or use solution described here
  2. Send message - Rebus is based on "at-least-once", here you get several if "crash" in first attempt.
jods4 commented 4 years ago

@pi3k14 I am discussing implementing an Outbox, which is required for guaranteed delivery of messages with respect to other work being done. Sagas are a way to orchestrate a "workflow" of messages, they're only indirectly related to the discussion.

Yes, I'm assuming that your event handler is idempotent although Rebus doesn't mandate it. If it's not, then there's not use discussing an outbox.

Not idempotent -> after a crash your handler is executed a second time -> messages are sent twice (or at least once) -> nothing lost.

Of course you have a big issue of multiple executions, but that's why you should use idempotent handlers when you have at least once delivery guarantee.

rsivanov commented 4 years ago

I developed an Outbox for Rebus using MS SQL Server as a storage for outbox messages. Rebus.SqlServer.Outbox includes a sample application to play with Outbox processing settings. Rebus.SqlServer.Outbox implements IOutboxStorage abstraction defined in Rebus.Outbox.

maulik-modi commented 3 years ago


Let us consider the simplest case of User Registration where we have two services and RabbitMQ as message broker 1) Account Registration Service(Publisher) is responsible for saving account in Application Database and storing outbox message(say to ensure at-least once delivery gurantee 2) Email notification service (Consumer) is responsible for receiving topic and doing email notification

On Infrastructure side, we assume we have 1) Application Database on MS-SQL express Instance 2) Rebus Database on MS-SQL express Instance 3) RabbitMQ Message broker with topic and one queue 4) Account registration Docker Container with Rebus library configured with RabbitMQ broker 5) Email notification Docker container with Rebus library configured with RabbitMQ broker

Q-1: @jods4 , Do we need distributed transaction for Outbox here? Q-2: In what scenarios local transaction would be applicable - is it like sharing database connection for Application database and Rebus? Do we need to create rebus tables in each microservice database? Q-3: Does it make any difference if database is Postgres or MySQL instead of MS-SQL?

@jods4 and @pi3k14 , happy to know your comments about @rsivanov 's proposal.

jods4 commented 3 years ago


@jods4 Do we need distributed transaction for Outbox here?

By definition if you use distributed transactions you wouldn't need an Outbox (if I understand the question correctly).

Reliability in a distributed system is a complex topic to discuss in just a few lines.

The culprit of your question is the account registration process.

That last point is the hard part.


  1. Rebus is in the same transaction as your db work. You listed both as MS SQL, so if you can do everything in a single transaction that's the easiest solution.
  2. Rebus can be enlisted in the same transaction as your db work. Basically (1) but with some kind of distributed transaction. Easy solution but it comes with all the drawbacks of distributed transactions, which are a bit of a pain.
  3. Rebus is non-transactionnal with your db work -> you need some kind of Outbox pattern. What @rsivanov built above is an outbox queue inside your application db, so you can enlist messages within a transaction. A background process moves those messages from the outbox queue to Rebus (not transactional, so not trivial, but relatively easy if everyone expects at least one delivery).
  4. Benefit of Outbox described in (3) is that it's easy to understand and use thanks to the use of a single transaction. Drawback is that every application DB must be extended with an Outbox and a process to flush it. It's possible to design an alternative Outbox pattern where the outbox queue lives inside Rebus DB (so it exists only once and everything is handled by Rebus). The drawback here is that doing so needs a specific interaction sequence between the application and Rebus (to bridge the non-transactional gap).
nikagamkrelidze commented 3 years ago

@mookid8000 any plans for making Outbox available in Rebus (namely the goodness of being able to do db work and send message in the same tx 🀩)? what exactly is holding you back, a lack of a quality proposal which would fit nicely into the existing architecture?

mookid8000 commented 3 years ago

At the moment, a pretty promising outbox implementation is in development in cooperation with one of the Rebus Pro customers. Stay tuned in here for more info πŸ™‚

maulik-modi commented 3 years ago

@jods4 , whats your thoughts on about outbox implementation? Options: "Benefit of Outbox described in (3) is that it's easy to understand and use thanks to the use of a single transaction. Drawback is that every application DB must be extended with an Outbox and a process to flush it. It's possible to design an alternative Outbox pattern where the outbox queue lives inside Rebus DB (so it exists only once and everything is handled by Rebus). The drawback here is that doing so needs a specific interaction sequence between the application and Rebus (to bridge the non-transactional gap)".

How would you compare with @rsivanov solution?

with respective to your concern on point#4, We are happy to keep outbox table in each microservice db.

maulik-modi commented 3 years ago

@mookid8000 , Can you share high level design or approach you are taking for Outbox?

fcastellsflip commented 3 years ago

@mookid8000 are there any updates on the Outbox implementation you mentioned?

@jods4 regarding your comment:

What @rsivanov built above is an outbox queue inside your application db, so you can enlist messages within a transaction. A background process moves those messages from the outbox queue to Rebus (not transactional, so not trivial, but relatively easy if everyone expects at least one delivery).

I think from the outbox pattern implementation point of view, as long as it ensures that message sending and application data saving are atomic, it is good enough. The fact that the background dispatcher can send duplicates in some scenarios is not a big issue in my opinion, for the following reasons:

  1. In most messaging systems you expect at least one delivery, so you need idempotent handlers anyway
  2. Some transports have built-in deduplication mechanisms, which completely and transparently eliminate the problem
  3. Once you have a system to share the application's code transaction with Rebus an incoming message deduplication mechanism can be created:

Ony once delivery with Outbox:

  1. Rebus: receives a message
  2. Outbox: Check if the message is present in an incoming messages table
  3. Outbox: If it's there, mark the message as handled and finish
  4. Outbox: If it's not, open a transaction and store the incoming message
  5. Rebus: Execute message handling
  6. Outbox: Store outgoing messages
  7. Outbox: commit transaction

The only problem with this approach is that you need Outbox always in both sender and receiver.

rsivanov commented 3 years ago


Actually, steps 1-4 are for Inbox, not Outbox. It’s a deduplication algorithm which can be used without Outbox. Outbox is responsible only for sending messages. SRP

@mookid8000 are there any updates on the Outbox implementation you mentioned?

@jods4 regarding your comment:

What @rsivanov built above is an outbox queue inside your application db, so you can enlist messages within a transaction. A background process moves those messages from the outbox queue to Rebus (not transactional, so not trivial, but relatively easy if everyone expects at least one delivery).

I think from the outbox pattern implementation point of view, as long as it ensures that message sending and application data saving are atomic, it is good enough. The fact that the background dispatcher can send duplicates in some scenarios is not a big issue in my opinion, for the following reasons:

  1. In most messaging systems you expect at least one delivery, so you need idempotent handlers anyway
  2. Some transports have built-in deduplication mechanisms, which completely and transparently eliminate the problem
  3. Once you have a system to share the application's code transaction with Rebus an incoming message deduplication mechanism can be created:

Ony once delivery with Outbox:

  1. Rebus: receives a message
  2. Outbox: Check if the message is present in an incoming messages table
  3. Outbox: If it's there, mark the message as handled and finish
  4. Outbox: If it's not, open a transaction and store the incoming message
  5. Rebus: Execute message handling
  6. Outbox: Store outgoing messages
  7. Outbox: commit transaction

The only problem with this approach is that you need Outbox always in both sender and receiver.

fcastellsflip commented 3 years ago

True, it can be separated. I put it together because :

  1. that's how at least one other messaging framework does it (basically, you configure Outbox and you get Inbox too)
  2. it uses the same mechanism of sharing the transaction with the application code in the handler
  3. it's useful when using Outbox, to avoid the issue of the duplicate message
mookid8000 commented 3 years ago

Work is ongoing here: (in case anyone is interested)

I expect an official outbox implementation (for MSSQL) to be ready for some trial action some time in November.

kristofdegrave commented 2 years ago

@mookid8000 does this solution add the outbox functionality to the scope of the current transaction? I mean with this if storing the messages to the outbox would fail, would this also mean the corresponding action would fail and rollback?

mookid8000 commented 2 years ago

Yes it would store all outgoing messages in your current SQL transaction, so e.g. if you mutate some of your own entities and publish a bunch of change events, all of that would be atomically committed to the db (at least that's how it's supposed to work) 😁