recalbox / mk_arcade_joystick_rpi

Raspberry PI kernel module for arcade joystick on GPIO and MCP23017
GNU General Public License v2.0
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recalbox 6.0-DragonBlaze /recalbox 4.1 gpio buttons do not work at zero but work at pi3 #71

Open DRAgon734465502 opened 5 years ago

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

I have try mk_arcade_joystick_rpi at the newest recalbox 4.1

I active the GPIO buttons by this code

nano /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf

controllers.gpio.enabled=1 controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=5,6,16,13,26,19,21,20,14,12,15,23,3

this work at pi3/3B+ but do not work at zero/zero W anyone have some problem ??


ian57 commented 5 years ago

what are the symptoms ? what does evtest reply? Be careful if you activated sounds on the gpio.. gpio 13 is used for PWN sound output because pizero has no analog output for sound.

Please tell us more .

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

Yes I use PWM audio out nano /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=pwm

I have enabled GPIO LCD and can display OK LCD code nano /boot/config.txt dtparam=spi=on dtoverlay=pwm hdmi_force_hotplug=1 hdmi_cvt=480 480 60 1 0 0 0 hdmi_group=2 hdmi_mode=87

nano /etc/modules.conf flexfb fbtft_device nano /etc/modprobe.d/fbtft.conf options flexfb setaddrwin=0 buswidth=8 width=240 height=240 init=-1,0x11.. -1,0x29,-3 options fbtft_device debug=3 bgr=1 fps=60 custom=1rotate=90 name=flexfb speed=64000000 gpios=reset:27,dc:25,led:24

nano /etc/init.d/rcS fbcp &

Then GPIO buttons config at recalbox.conf system.fbcp.enabled=0

controllers.gpio.enabled=1 controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=5,6,16,13,26,19,21,20,14,12,15,23,3

global.videomode=default global.ratio=1/1

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

this is all code , which work fine at PI3

But at zero, jsut display and audio work , the GPIO buttons do not work, press the buttons do not work

ian57 commented 5 years ago

First : which release of Recalbox? second : try to deactivate pwm to see if it is in cause. comment #dtoverlay=pwm in confit.txt

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

recalbox 6.0-DragonBlaze uname -a show linux 4.1

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

active the GPIO buttons by this code

nano /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf controllers.gpio.enabled=1 controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=5,6,16,13,26,19,21,20,14,12,15,23,3

which will make recalbox starting first desktop

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

Do not add that code , it is like this picture

after adding that code , it is like this picture

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

I do not why the first starting have been changed from favorites to AMSTRRAD when active the gpio buttons

ian57 commented 5 years ago

are the controls working properly ? did you try to deactivate pwm?

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

I do not active PWM audio output and GPIO LCD and just active GPIO buttons , Then I find the first starting have been changed from favorites to AMSTRRAD After I disable GPIO buttons, the first starting have gone back to favorites

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

controls all do not work , I have tried to activate pwm or deactivate pwm . same result

I also change two raspberry pi zero , same ..

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

the PI3 iamge and zero image from here

PI3 can work fine . zero will work like that .

which is bug at recalbox for pi0 ???

ian57 commented 5 years ago

ok seems to be a bug. need to make some test on my own to confirm.

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

after I change controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=5,6,16,13,26,19,21,20,14,12,15,23,3 to controllers.gpio.args=map=4 ..

make "5" to "4" the first starting have been changed to this automatically

But all gpio controls still do not work

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

which show "gamepad 1" "input require" but the app can not check gpio buttons

ian57 commented 5 years ago

do not try 4 (GPIO_TFT), custom gpio is 5 and 6 that's all. if gpio a detected you shoud see "custom GPIO" enum mk_type { MK_NONE = 0, MK_ARCADE_GPIO, MK_ARCADE_GPIO_BPLUS, MK_ARCADE_MCP23017, MK_ARCADE_GPIO_TFT, MK_ARCADE_GPIO_CUSTOM, MK_ARCADE_GPIO_CUSTOM2, MK_MAX };

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

5 and 6 do not work , I have tried controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=.... controllers.gpio.args=map=5,6 gpio=....
controllers.gpio.args=map=6 gpio=....

controls all do not work

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

Any news ?

ian57 commented 5 years ago

Nope sorry too much work, no time to test.

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

OK , I will wait your news , Thanks

Nickrash commented 5 years ago

HI! I have the same problem, and i couldn´t fix it yet...

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

Yes . I find this problem also

Now I still do not know how to fix this problem

nsilveri commented 5 years ago

i have the same problem with custom gpio buttons

ian57 commented 5 years ago

Hi there, the bug is confirmed.... The bug seems to come from my code... I made a mistake in the PERI_BASE address. I will recompile the module with the corrected code, test it and let you know. This will be good for 6.1 I hope, Will put the module for downloadinf somewhere for the brave ;) Thanks a lot for the feeback.

ian57 commented 5 years ago

Hi there ... good news, correcting the code fixes the bug. For the brave you can DL the new mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko at!y9kCEI7I!7HdyKzhWS4HhfVgpvj7SM9RbnLwMUlGXoUqcxzuFCQM replace the /lib/modules/4.14.62/extra/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.ko with the new one and enjoy :)

for the others... please wait the 6.1 release..; sorry

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

good news , thanks

DRAgon734465502 commented 5 years ago

I will test it soon

Nickrash commented 5 years ago

Hi! I already test it, but I have an issue. Now it recognize me a button but an incorrect one. When I push down, it goes up, is the only button that works. Is my configuration of gpio correct? I used this one: image


ian57 commented 5 years ago

I've tested the Map=1,2 successuly on my pi0. I think tout should verify your wiring.

Nickrash commented 5 years ago

I changed the Map=1 to Map=1,2 in recalbox.conf and still not working.