recalbox / recalbox-manager

Django project to manage a Recalbox from a web interface
MIT License
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Give a script ? #36

Closed sveetch closed 8 years ago

sveetch commented 8 years ago

It has been asked to furnish a to install the manager. This would be nice to integrate it during Recalbox compilation part.

Problem is, it seems required to be compatible with distutils.

sveetch commented 8 years ago
sveetch commented 8 years ago

So to resume, some point to check with Recalbox team(@digitalLumberjack @rockaddicted @MikaXII) :

When all these point are fixed, i can start to add the '' for Distutil usage.

MikaXII commented 8 years ago

It's not easy to create a package with your virtualenv. Currently I don't use virtualenv.

Sample of mk file :

# recalbox-manager
RECALBOX_MANAGER_SITE = $(call github,sveetch,recalbox-manager,$(RECALBOX_MANAGER_VERSION))
RECALBOX_MANAGER_DEPENDENCIES = python python-psutil python-django python-autobreadcrumbs

#    $(MAKE) CC="$(TARGET_CC)" LD="$(TARGET_LD)" -C $(@D) install

    mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/recalbox-manager
    cp -r $(@D)/* $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/recalbox-manager

    #$(TARGET_DIR)/usr/bin/python2.7 $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/recalbox-manager/ migrate
    #$(INSTALL) -D $(@D)/* $(TARGET_DIR)/usr/recalbox-manager

    $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -D package/recalbox-manager/script/S94manager $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/init.d/S94manager

$(eval $(generic-package))

RECALBOX_MANAGER_DEPENDENCIES = python python-psutil python-django python-autobreadcrumbs

There are all dependencies to run your manager but, I need make a script or find an another solution to execute / migrate one time. After that I try if the manager can launch manually on recalbox and after the init script, I have a sample not complete :

# Start/stop recalbox-manager

#. $SITEPATH/bin/activate

RUN_AS=`id -u root`
OPTS="runserver --noreload" 

do_start() {
    start-stop-daemon --start --background --user $RUN_AS --pidfile $PIDFILE --chuid $RUN_AS --startas $CMD $OPTS

do_stop() {
    start-stop-daemon --stop --user $RUN_AS

case "$1" in
    echo "Starting $NAME"
    echo "Stopping $NAME"
    echo "Restarting $NAME"
    echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/S94Manager {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 2
exit 0

PS : I don't receive notification with your @MikaXII

sveetch commented 8 years ago

You should have continued discussion in #29 as this issue was a mind note about preparing package with "", but no problem, let's continue here.

Well first, virtualenv is only used to don't have to manage package system for project dependancies. It also avoid package versions conflict on system. I understand this is not really suitable within an OS building.

But in the Recalbox context, you can avoid virtualenv requirement, because there should never have conflict as there are no other Python webapp projects.

For the 'migrate' command step, there is a little trick you could use because this migrate is only here to initialize project database. But we don't really use it, Django require it but don't care if you created it from your install or not. So the trick is to install the manager project everywhere you want on a Linux system, copy/paste the created db.sqlite3 into your manager project install (within your Recalbox building) and that's all, Django won't never complain again about the migrate command.

From there you should be able to launch the and the runserver command.

A note about python-autobreadcrumbs, i dont have knowledge about a package system for autobreacrumb that i created, if you don't allready packaged it, you will have to because i dont think it allready exists anywhere.

MikaXII commented 8 years ago

"copy/paste the created db.sqlite3 into your manager project install (within your Recalbox building) " I've exactly the same idea =D.

For python-autobreadcrumbs I create the buildroot package, we have all dependencies required I test it today :)

sveetch commented 8 years ago

Great news, let me know about if you succeed or not to achieve this. For autobreadcrumb the only requirement is Django and i dont plan to add any dependancy.

I'm letting this issue open until you confirm any success.

sveetch commented 8 years ago

Ok seems it's not really needed now that the wonderful @MikaXII has resolved its issue #29

And frankly, it saved my ass :)