recca0120 / laravel-erd

Laravel ERD automatically generates Entity-Relationship Diagrams from your Laravel models and displays them using erd-editor.
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SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error #6

Open cars1n opened 1 week ago

cars1n commented 1 week ago

I am currently using laravel sail with mysql as the db. Everything works in communication with my mysql db container. It can run migrations fine, make changes, etc... but when I try to run the php artisan erd:generate in my docker container I get a sqlite error? I have double checked .env file, config/database.php file, docker-compose.yml file, as well as clearing cache and running migrations but nothing has worked. Same error still appears.

php artisan erd:generate


SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 near "AUTO_INCREMENT": syntax error

at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Schema/SqliteSchemaState.php:64 60▕ */ 61▕ public function load($path) 62▕ { 63▕ if ($this->connection->getDatabaseName() === ':memory:') { ➜ 64▕ $this->connection->getPdo()->exec($this->files->get($path)); 65▕ 66▕ return; 67▕ } 68▕

  +33 vendor frames 

34 artisan:35 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle()

ThomasEnssner commented 1 week ago

Did you use php artisan schema:dump --prune an any time. To check this you now would have a file database/schema/mysql-schema.sql.

I think as this package uses an in memory sqlite driver, the mysql syntax in that file is not fully supported.

btw I am getting the same error on my project.

c-tanner commented 1 week ago

If you're like me (and others here) that have MySQL migrations that are incompatible with SQLite, you can work around this by modifying vendor/recca0120/laravel-erd/src/Console/Commands/GenerateErd.php:

  1. Create a new empty temp DB (ex. my_temp_db)
  2. Modify the following 2 lines in GenerateErd::setupFakeDatabase():
config(Arr::dot(array_map(static fn (array $config) => [
    'driver' => 'mysql', <-- change to mysql
    'database' => 'my_temp_db', <-- change to temp DB name
    'prefix' => $config['prefix'] ?? '',
    'foreign_key_constraints' => true,
    'busy_timeout' => null,
    'journal_mode' => null,
    'synchronous' => null,
], $this->backup['database.connections']), 'database.connections.'));

Might be worth a PR if the maintainers are open to it and I have some time to make this configurable.

gmgarrison commented 1 week ago

I'm also getting this error and have pruned migrations down to a schema dump.