receipt-print-hq / chrome-raw-print

Chrome app to enable raw printing from a browser
MIT License
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Add howto for different types of printers #9

Open tjunussov opened 6 years ago

tjunussov commented 6 years ago

Hi! Correct me if i am wrong. Chrome could print to almost any USB Thermal Printer ( ESCPOS Enabled ) , we should only provide vendorId and products Id ( by adding them to manifest.json ) ?

p.s ( Windows ) vendor id and product id we could obtain from device manager in USB ( Hardware IDs )

mike42 commented 6 years ago

Yes! This is correct.

One gotcha: the ID's are usually reported in hex (base 16), but you need to convert them to decimal (base 10) for the Chrome app manifest.

For example, my printer is 04b8:0e03 Seiko Epson Corp, which appears in the manifest as {"vendorId": 1208, "productId": 3587}. You can use an online converter to do this for you.

If you post back your vendor and product ID, then I can include them in the repo for future users with the same printer as you.