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Removal of Coffeescript #31

Open dgdosen opened 12 years ago

dgdosen commented 12 years ago

Just wondering why - Given the choice, I'd first go with coffeescript when writing an app.

Is there a reason you don't put both javascript and coffeescript in the book?

ngauthier commented 12 years ago

The people who know coffeescript are a superset of the people who know javascript. Coffeescript folks can read javascript just fine and probably think of neat ways to do it better in coffeescript.

Someone who does not know coffeescript would be confused and maybe feel betrayed that they bought a book and the samples are in a semi-foreign language.

Also, I don't know coffeescript at all and my first couple of attempts I ended up writing terrible coffeescript.

That said, we would welcome any community effort to translate the samples to coffeescript and would gladly include them in an appendix.
