recnaleerf / Ancheera

A Granblue Fantasy companion Chrome extension
MIT License
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"Priority Buff" tracker. #13

Open amackenzie opened 7 years ago

amackenzie commented 7 years ago

Perhaps this can be rolled into the combat log/DPS tracker, but it would be nice to mark out certain buffs (Six's stacking buff, Spirit of Training zenith skill, Siete's swordshine, etc) and have a turn counter on it so you can know when to press it again (since, for example, Six's CDs every 2 turns but only needs to be pressed every 4 turns).

kg commented 7 years ago

FYI, accurate turn counters are only available if you click on the character's buffs list in the per-character panel. So to do this you would need to code in the buff duration per-skill and handle all the nuance there, along with enemies dispelling buffs.

amackenzie commented 7 years ago

Hrm, that's slightly problematic. And approximate one that just lets the user set a skill and tell you how many turns it's been since you last used the skill would still be useful (maybe it can use user-given settings, and just refresh if the character buff panel comes up), I guess, but it's not a priority then. Since it's pretty obvious if Six gets winged and his buff falls off, but it's less obvious how many turns it has been since you've last cast it.

kg commented 7 years ago

For Six's case, most people recommend just watching the cooldown on the skill. But yeah, it's a little tricky, I struggle with it too.

recnaleerf commented 7 years ago

So, this is slightly related since I started playing with the battle tab, but I ran into #14