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Manjaro and screen not loading #3

Open AlejandroIzuel opened 5 months ago

AlejandroIzuel commented 5 months ago

I'm running Manjaro and I've installed Microsoft intune from the AUR repository.

When I run it I can click on the "Sign in" button but the new window which pops up never loads,


I have also installed MicrosoftEdge (I thought that maybe something there could be required), but same issue.

On the logs --user -u microsoft-identity-broker.service I cannot find any running error. The sudo journalctl -u microsoft-identity-device-broker.service is empty

Thank you!

EndruK commented 5 months ago

have you tried to run intune directly via terminal? run /opt/microsoft/intune/bin/intune-portal maybe this gives you more insight to what happened.

AlejandroIzuel commented 5 months ago

open since 20 minutes :/


recolic commented 5 months ago

Since more and more people are interested into "level-2" enrollment with ArchLinux... I will try it out and create an official guide today tomorrow this week.

srmarriott commented 5 months ago

Got the same issue, except I'm getting this on the console: 2024-01-19 15:06:40 INFO Starting a new login 2024-01-19 15:06:44 ERROR oneauth{tag="581h4"}: (Code:1200) The credential is invalid. 2024-01-19 15:06:44 WARN oneauth{tag="9tm7j"}: Failed to save profile metadata image

recolic commented 5 months ago

HI everyone... I have updated this repo to support native level-2 enrollment on Arch Linux. Could you try the following options?

  1. Build and install intune-portal from this repo
  2. Install seahorse and use this tool to make sure you have a default keyring with some password.
  3. Try intune-portal again.

I have also updated the FAQ notes. I'm suggesting this because, for non-gnome user, the white screen might be caused by lack of default keyring (you will see an error message in journalctl if it's the case).

centerboy88 commented 3 months ago

hi guys, could anyone solve the problem with the not loading login screen ?

recolic commented 3 months ago

hi guys, could anyone solve the problem with the not loading login screen ?

* seahorse is installed

Hi. the login window should be launched by microsoft-identity-broker.service, not intune-portal process. So please check journalctl --user -u microsoft-identity-broker.service and see if there is any error message.

For example, I realized the default keyring problem while checking journal log. You might have a different root cause so please check your log.

centerboy88 commented 3 months ago

Hi, thanks for the fast reply, sadly no errors found in journal ....

Log details ``` Mär 11 09:26:36 dennis-arch-2-vm systemd[554]: Starting Microsoft Identity Broker Service... Mär 11 09:26:36 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/IdentityBrokerService: [2024-03-11 08:26:36 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] Starting DBus Service for Microsoft Identity Broker... Mär 11 09:26:37 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:37 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:37 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/MapDbStorage:getDb: [2024-03-11 08:26:37 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] Attempting to open DB File at path: /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker/broker-data.db Mär 11 09:26:37 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:37 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:37 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:37 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:40 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". Mär 11 09:26:40 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation Mär 11 09:26:40 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: SLF4J: See for further details. Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm systemd[554]: Started Microsoft Identity Broker Service. Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/IdentityBrokerService: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: main, correlation_id: UNSET - ] DBus Service for Broker has been started! Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: UNSET - ] Received method call from UID [1000], with correlationId [3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239]. Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/MapDbStorage:getDb: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] Attempting to open DB File at path: /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker/account-data.db Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] This client ID is not known to brokerOAuth2TokenCache. Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] No accounts available in client app cache, trying the FOCI cache. Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: W/DefaultBrokerApplicationRegistry:getMetadata: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] Metadata could not be found for clientId, environment: [b743a22d-6705-4147-8670-d92fa515ee2b, null] Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:isAppInBrokerApplicationRegistry: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] App in broker application registry: [false] Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] App in registry is allowed to access WPJ: [false] Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] is a known FoCI App: [true] Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerServiceOperation:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] Received get account result for correlation id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 Mär 11 09:26:41 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerDBusV1Impl:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:26:41 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-4, correlation_id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 - ] Sending result back to calling application for correlation id: 3ef57db2-f8c9-4fb5-9c99-c62e9c062239 Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: UNSET - ] Received method call from UID [1000], with correlationId [eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715]. Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] This client ID is not known to brokerOAuth2TokenCache. Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] No accounts available in client app cache, trying the FOCI cache. Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: W/DefaultBrokerApplicationRegistry:getMetadata: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] Metadata could not be found for clientId, environment: [b743a22d-6705-4147-8670-d92fa515ee2b, null] Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:isAppInBrokerApplicationRegistry: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] App in broker application registry: [false] Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] App in registry is allowed to access WPJ: [false] Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] is a known FoCI App: [true] Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerServiceOperation:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] Received get account result for correlation id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 Mär 11 09:39:17 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerDBusV1Impl:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:39:17 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-1, correlation_id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 - ] Sending result back to calling application for correlation id: eda665a2-979c-4ba7-8fc8-ea1833c83715 Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: UNSET - ] Received method call from UID [1000], with correlationId [fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe]. Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] This client ID is not known to brokerOAuth2TokenCache. Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerUtil:getCacheRecordListFromBrokerCache: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] No accounts available in client app cache, trying the FOCI cache. Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerPlatformComponents:getDbFileRootDir: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] STATE_DIRECTORY is /home/dscholz/.local/state/microsoft-identity-broker Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: W/DefaultBrokerApplicationRegistry:getMetadata: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] Metadata could not be found for clientId, environment: [b743a22d-6705-4147-8670-d92fa515ee2b, null] Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:isAppInBrokerApplicationRegistry: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] App in broker application registry: [false] Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] App in registry is allowed to access WPJ: [false] Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/AuthSdkOperation:addWPJAccountIfNeeded: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] is a known FoCI App: [true] Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/LinuxBrokerServiceOperation:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] Received get account result for correlation id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe Mär 11 09:52:18 dennis-arch-2-vm microsoft-identity-broker[12456]: I/BrokerDBusV1Impl:getAccounts: [2024-03-11 08:52:18 - thread_name: DBus Worker Thread-3, correlation_id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe - ] Sending result back to calling application for correlation id: fccbcbfa-cd96-4d7f-b0e4-eeaccc79abfe ```
centerboy88 commented 3 months ago

hi, i got an error - regarding CSR ' Unable to generate PKCS10 CSR as unable to find key for alias: broker.key.device.key.e1e41ffd-872e-4faf-8822-dcd4acbe7211' i looked up in the FAQ - and double checked that i have a default keypair created - i am a little bit lost here .... thx for help

recolic commented 3 months ago

Hi @centerboy88 sadly I also don't know what caused your problem.. intune is like a blackbox, and I also don't have much knowledge about it. My suggestion is creating a fresh VM and see if your problem could repro.

btw, I search for my journal log, there is nothing similar to Unable to generate PKCS10 CSR as unable to find key for alias. Maybe it worth investigation.

recolic commented 2 months ago

If you are MSFT employee, there is an internal workitem tracking this white-screen issue (2901168).

But still, it should be somehow related to your desktop environment (so doesn't repro for everyone).