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[ASK] Confusion between top_k and by_threshold relevancy_method in #2140

Open mnhqut opened 1 month ago

mnhqut commented 1 month ago


What is the different between k and threshold value here if they all get assigned to top_k? Isn't threshold supposed to be a rating value that the predictions should exceed instead of being the number of items in the top_k list ? Thanks.

def merge_ranking_true_pred(
    if relevancy_method == "top_k":
        top_k = k
    elif relevancy_method == "by_threshold":
        top_k = threshold

Other Comments

daviddavo commented 1 month ago

I don't really understand it neither. It calls get_top_k_items, which does this:

With k being top_k (threshold). It then calls .head(k), but according to pandas docs, k should be an integer.

The DEFAULT_THRESHOLD variable is just 10, an integer. Have you tried using a float? What happens then? Does it work? Isn't this exactly the same as using k?

I think a user expects by_threshold to just return just items that have a rating above that threshold.

mnhqut commented 4 weeks ago

Yes it is indeed very confusing how 'by_threshold' works.

Doing a quick test, I passed "relevancy_method = "top_k", k =20 ", and got the exact same result as passing "relevancy_method = "by_threshold", threshold = 20, k = whatever ". So the threshold here does not seem to represent a (float) rating value.

As for the type of 'top_k', if I passed 'threshold' or 'k' as a float, it raised no error and worked as if the number got rounded up, for example 2.1 as 3 or 7.6 as 8.