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Consider verbage #2

Open ilias-t opened 6 years ago

ilias-t commented 6 years ago

Not a lawyer, but trying to think like one... Seems it would be easier to enforce the modified clause:

"This software may not be used to intentionally injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm"

Injure and harm would likely need to be more explicitly defined as well.

pluma commented 6 years ago

I think this is especially important with regard to "inaction". Otherwise you'd restrict use to software that is actually capable of preventing harm (rather than simply banning certain uses of software that is capable of causing harm).

ilias-t commented 6 years ago

Yeah inaction would likely need to be heavily qualified along the lines of “gross negligence”, because it would otherwise encompass too many hypotheticals.

ilias-t commented 6 years ago

Also I want to note the verbage isn’t a word, but verbiage is. Regardless, “Consider Language” would probably be a better title for this issue.