reconbot / streaming-iterables

A Swiss army knife for async iterables. Designed to replace your streams.
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Suggest a different `pipeline` implementation in line with other libraries #285

Open wellcaffeinated opened 2 years ago

wellcaffeinated commented 2 years ago

Currently pipeline does not operate asynchronously and it returns the last iterator.

Other libraries like RXJS have a different implementation that returns a function that can be called to initiate the pipeline.

I'd suggest a new function (let's call it pipe() for now) that operates like this:

const fetchDetailsByType = pipe(
  async type => fetchPokemonByType(type),
  map(async name => fetchDetails(name))
for await (const details of fetchDetailsByType('water')){

This allows for pipeline chaining. Eg:

const saveLowHP = pipe(
  filter(details => details.baseStats.hp < 100),

// save low hp water pokemon to disk
reconbot commented 2 years ago

That does seem useful

wellcaffeinated commented 2 years ago

@reconbot I've actually been coding my own iterables library (calling it "cousin-it"). I have slightly different use cases in mind, but there's a lot of overlap. I'd love to join forces if you're interested!

reconbot commented 2 years ago

I'm interested, tell me more!

wellcaffeinated commented 2 years ago

I'm specifically interested in iterables for data analysis and animation (an alternative to d3.js to some extent).

I actually have an animation library called "intween" Currently it uses observables (rxjs style) to handle things... but in retrospect it may be better to use async iterables.

My hope with "cousin-it" is to provide some more basic tools for creating and manipulating iterables. Here are some examples:


range(0, 10)
interval(1000) // every 1 second.
animationFrames() // request animation frame, and emits timing information
animationFrames(1000) // same with a specific duration


keyed iterators and enter/exit example:

const update = pipe(
  keyBy((data) =>,
  enter(([data, key]) => {
    const element = renderPokemonView(data)
    return element
  exit(async ([x, div]) => {
    // fade out and remove = '0'
    await delay(500)

await update( fetchMorePokemon() )

Also the idea of channels for parallel piping.

const result = pipe(
      map(n => n * n),
      map(n => -n)
)( range(0, 10) )

// result -> [0, 0, 1, -1, 4, -2, ...] 

I also have ideas with regards to channels that could be like:

send('channel-name', iterable)

for await (const data of receive('channel-name')){
   // data from "iterable"
reconbot commented 2 years ago

I've primarily used this for ETL and bulk processing. But also the standard libraries for streams is quite lacking but they all can become async iterators. Channels is a pretty cool concept. I'd love to see it work across worker thread boundaries.

wellcaffeinated commented 2 years ago

yeah i'm taking queues from signal processing (like audio processing). Being able to split data, send data to a different receiver, transform data, schedule, and aggregate data are all useful things

wellcaffeinated commented 2 years ago

If you're interested maybe I can share some of the groundwork I've done so far, and perhaps have sister libraries, or something we both contribute to