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Stegen case study #42

Closed thibautjombart closed 5 years ago

thibautjombart commented 5 years ago

@AmmerB @zkamvar I am using this issue to discuss work on the Stegen case study. Plan is:

thibautjombart commented 5 years ago

Technical issues currently include:

zkamvar commented 5 years ago

buttons don't display on the website, despite displaying fine when compiling using rmarkdown::render

My answer:

zkamvar commented 5 years ago

once we have the final post, generate files to distribute to Malta's participants (folder containing data, adapted scripts, Rmd, etc.) // Zhian

Guaranteed to be in Malta and out of communication by then. I'll set up the initial materials as best as I can and then you can change them however you want before Malta.

zkamvar commented 5 years ago

The technical issues are not going to be resolved by the time we get this to Malta, but they are a bit minor. I'm going to put a checklist of things people have found by going through the practical:

From @finlaycampbell:

the code itself looks good to me and worked first try

jeskarp commented 5 years ago

I found a few minor typos in the Stegen practical:

Data exploration - Going Further

Risk ratios

Multiple variables - Going Further


thibautjombart commented 5 years ago

Some more minor comments:

Loading required packages

Colors used in graphics

 + scale_color_manual("Illness", values = c("non case" = "#66cc99", "case" = "#993333"))
jeskarp commented 5 years ago

Here are a couple of suggestions for slightly changing bits of wording in the practical:

zkamvar commented 5 years ago

In addition to @jeskarp's comments, It would also be good to keep everything as a single data frame, subsetting where needed. Currently, to test the risk ratios for each food item, we use separate the food items into a new data frame called food. Several students were a bit confused/skeptical of this because Stata apparently likes to re-arrange data when you use the keyword "keep" (I wasn't quite clear on that part).

zkamvar commented 5 years ago

I'm going to close this. The technical issues brought up involve a lot more debugging of css than any of us are comfortable with