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New package: putting the natural history of COVID-19 in distributions #27

Open mjrolland opened 3 years ago

mjrolland commented 3 years ago

There is a growing body of COVID-19 estimates for various quantities including key epi delays (e.g. incubation period, serial interval, length of hospital stay), case fatality ratio, etc. It would be very handy to have all of these implemented as simple functions which can simulate these quantities from published information. Such simulators (typically random number generators akin to the rpois / rgamma / ...) have probably been coded multiple times across different groups / projects. These could be gathered, checked and documented into a single package.

[impact: Given how many times these quantities are used in COVID-19 analyses, and the constantly growing body of estimates of various quantities, this package could have a substantial impact and become to go-to place for simulating the natural history of COVID-19.] [originally proposed by @thibautjombart] [suggested repo: Do not know] [additional notes: ]