EpiNow2 is an R package for estimating the time-varying reproduction number, and growth rates based on underlying latent infections. It is also used to forecast the future course of outbreaks both in terms of forecasting the reproduction number and reported cases. Community support is needed to allow the developers to focus on developing, validating and improving the underlying methodology.
EpiNow2 currently implements some basic plots and summary plotting but these may not suit all users and may not scale well to many of the current features. Longer term when multiple datasets are added these plotting approaches will not scale.
Review current plotting and highlight issues
Improve current plots and add flexibility
Improve summary plotting
Ideally look at ways to add interactivity though without increasing package dependencies or causing large scale code bloat.
EpiNow2 is an R package for estimating the time-varying reproduction number, and growth rates based on underlying latent infections. It is also used to forecast the future course of outbreaks both in terms of forecasting the reproduction number and reported cases. Community support is needed to allow the developers to focus on developing, validating and improving the underlying methodology.
EpiNow2 currently implements some basic plots and summary plotting but these may not suit all users and may not scale well to many of the current features. Longer term when multiple datasets are added these plotting approaches will not scale.
[impact: please copy previous] [originally proposed by @seabbs] [suggested repo: https://github.com/epiforecasts/EpiNow2 | @seabbs] [additional notes: ]