reconquest / atlassian-external-hooks

External Hooks plugin for Atlassian Bitbucket
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Not running on merge? #11

Closed JorisVanEijden closed 10 years ago

JorisVanEijden commented 10 years ago

The astlassian developer documentation states that "Post-receive hooks are invoked after a push or merge has taken place" but my external hook is only called on pushes, not when merging pull-requests on stash.

Someone else has run into the same issue: And he has posted sample code that should not have the issue.

However, I fail to understand why his code should work on merges and the code of external-hooks would not?

seletskiy commented 10 years ago

Hmm, I've never tested it on merge, actually.

I've definitely take a look.

JorisVanEijden commented 10 years ago

Oops, never mind. Pushes were also not working because I set the exe wrong. Everything works fine.

Only thing is that some additional logging if the process cannot be run would be nice.

I had: exe: "/var/app/someshellscript" params: "" This produced no errors and no logging and no effect. Changing it to: exe: "/bin/sh /var/app/someshellscript" params: "" threw the IOException and produced a line in the log. But this actually worked: exe: "/bin/sh" params: "/var/app/someshellscript"

seletskiy commented 10 years ago

Variant with exe: "/var/app/someshellscript" has not worked probably because of missing +x flag on the someshellscript.

As far as I can see in that case there is following error:

[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2014-08-05 11:23:06,395 ERROR [threadpool:thread-1] admin @VE9Q22x683x368x0 "POST /scm/project_1/rep_1.git/git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1" c.n.s.e.hook.ExternalPreReceiveHook Error running [/tmp/some_shell_script, ] in /root/atlassian-external-hooks/target/stash/home/shared/data/repositories/1
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] Caused by: error=13, Permission denied

At least I can see this error when I create non-executable file /tmp/some_shell_script and then specify it as hook exe.

JorisVanEijden commented 10 years ago

Actually, the script is executable and runs fine when I su to the atlstash user and run it manually. Looks like there is something different between the stash java process calling the script and the stash user running is from the shell. Debug code at the top of my script gets executed. The rest fails silently. I'll go work on that with more debugging.

*Edit: got it. It was not to do with the exe and params after all. I was using sudo from my script. That silently fails when no TTY is present. That's why it worked from the shell and not from java. I added a !requiretty to my stash user in the sudoers file and now everything works ok. Thanks for thinking along.

seletskiy commented 10 years ago

You're welcome. Anyway, you found everything by yourself :cat: