reconquest / atlassian-external-hooks

External Hooks plugin for Atlassian Bitbucket
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FR: Decline pull request with comment on merge rejection #67

Closed dploeger closed 5 years ago

dploeger commented 6 years ago

Currently, the plugin shows the result of the checks on a pull request only when hovering or clicking the "Merge" button.

To add more transparency to this, a rejected merge should immediately comment and decline the pull request. This should be configurable.

seletskiy commented 6 years ago

@dploeger: unfortunately, Merge Checks are not run by Bitbucket when you push new commits to PR until someone will open PR page in UI, so we can't make proactive reaction and add comments.

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy But wouldn't that be okay? The PR workflow requires the UI anyway and currently the rejection is also only calculated on the PR UI page.

I have actually done just that in my (unreleased and probably now deprecated) YAML check hook and am currently working on a PR for this.

seletskiy commented 6 years ago

@dploeger: isn't it somewhat contradictional to what pull requests are for? If I understand correctly, you want to immediately decline PR if it is not passing merge check? In that case PR author will have no chance to fix his PR because it will be instantly declined.

This kind of workflow can produce excessive amount of rejected PRs since authors may just create new PR just to fix their previous PR, and this can be repeated several times in order to get passing PR.

Or authors can re-open declined PR, but it will too introduce unnecessary actions from their side. Also, how do you see logic flow in this case? Plugin declines PR, author re-opens it by pressing button in UI. Should plugin again immediately decline it?

Another problem there is that totally valid PR with on-going discussion can be randomly declined by WIP commit from author.

It's still not clear for me how do you see this feature, so I will be glad to hear you thoughts about things above.

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy I would suggest a workflow like this:

Comments aren't removed when a PR is declined and new comments can still be added. The PR author just has to reopen the PR once he is sure, that the code checks (should) succeed. This is only a click on the UI.

IMHO this makes it more visible to everybody, that the checks failed.

I would make this configurable, though.

What I would add without a configuration option, however, would be that each rejection or success will be added as a comment. This enables some kind of check history in the PR, which could become useful in a code review process.

What do you think?

seletskiy commented 6 years ago

@dploeger: yes, adding a message directly to PR makes sense, but decline is not. Maybe just having message is enough, why decline PR if it will be re-opened by author anyway?

It's quite a big change into Merge Check code, I think.

Technically, it's not so easy task, since we need to:

Do you feel that you can create Pull Request for this feature?

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy I'm already on it. 😄

I just found this nasty bug, which was fixed in Bitbucket Server 5.7.1, that ignored my comment- and decline-requests. And I was debugging that last hour. 🙄

About the decline-feature: Would you be okay, to have it as a configurable feature which is disabled by default? I really would like to have that because of the better error visibility.

seletskiy commented 6 years ago


About the decline-feature: Would you be okay, to have it as a configurable feature which is disabled by default? I really would like to have that because of the better error visibility.

Sure, if you find this useful, why not. I'm fine with configuration option.

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy Argh, I thought a PullRequest could actually store properties, but it only has support for getProperties. This could've been a way to store the "I have already added a comment for this check" status.

I hadn't done this in my plugin, because I always decline and then no checks are run. 😉

Hm. Gotta find another way then.

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy So the only method I can find is to add a reference to the version to a comment and scan the comments for that before adding the same comment again. Any other ideas?

seletskiy commented 6 years ago

@dploeger: maybe try to use

dploeger commented 6 years ago

@seletskiy Well, yes. That or an ActiveObjects solution would also work, but that would mean that we'd have to manage that data (i.e. remove it, when a pull request gets deleted).