reconstrue / brightfield

Reconstruction of biocytin-stained neurons detected in brightfield microscopy image stacks
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Viz: Render reconstructions in CCF space #25

Open JohnTigue opened 4 years ago

JohnTigue commented 4 years ago

In the end, the topmost view of the cells in the dataset would be to plot them together in The Allen's CCF i.e. position them in the brain, to whatever accuracy is possible. 10 test neurons would be ok, 105 training neurons might get a bit crowded/overplotted.

JohnTigue commented 4 years ago

Spatial registration of serial microscopic brain images to three-dimensional reference atlases with the QuickNII tool

QuickNII v2.2 supports standard web-compatible image formats, 24-bit PNG and JPEG. Images can be loaded up to the resolution of 16 megapixels (e.g. 4000x4000 or 5000x3000 pixels), however QuickNII does not benefit from image resolutions exceeding the resolution of the monitor in use. For a standard FullHD or WUXGA display (1920x1080 or 1920x1200 pixels) the useful image area is approximately 1500x1000 pixels, using a similar resolution ensures optimal image-loading performance. Preprocessing of images (downsampling, rotation, renaming) can be achieved with open access software tools (e.g. ImageMagick, Matlab scripts) or python scripts found in many open source libraries (e.g. PIL) to fulfill these requirements (converting to PNG or JPEG and downscaling to screen-like size), but QuickNII allows storage of original image dimensions as part of its series descriptor. Serial section images should be assigned consecutive serial numbers, preferably indicated by three-digit numbers at the end of the file name, e.g. Sample_ID_s001.tif. Section sampling is given by the serial numbers. The section images are collected in a folder.