recro / medulla

A Cloud Native Low-Code Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Kubernetes Helm Chart #99

Open AndrewBabbitt97 opened 2 years ago

AndrewBabbitt97 commented 2 years ago


We need a deployment mechanism for Medulla and its dependencies.

Helm chart should be committed into the deploy/ directory in the repo.

Motivation and goals

We want a fully featured helm chart that contains all needed dependencies and components of Medulla. This must take into account all of Medulla's services as well as all dependent services such as a database, dapr, workflow engine, etc.

In scope

Out of scope

Risks / unknowns

Lets start with a base chart and iterate on it over the sprint, there's a lot that can be added and configured when it comes down to additional things such as Istio objects and the such.



Detailed design

Use a flux as a base dependency in the chart and use HelmRelease to install eveything else.

We need flux anyways, so we may as well take full advantage of it.

Slygecko commented 2 years ago

Added the in scope dependencies to the Chart.yaml. Committed and pushed changes.

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

Johnathan Status:

Yesterday, working on contract. Today, making changes for Andrews review

Changes in pull request

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

Status for Johnathan

What did you work on yesterday? working on contract. What will you work on today? making changes for Andrews review
Are there any blockers in your way? none Are we on track to complete the work by end of the sprint with the sprint goal? Didn't ask. Has a pull request been created and remote branches up to date? Didn't ask. Pull requests need to be created early, for early review, and to make sure work matches vision for ticket.

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

Status for Jonathan

What did you work on yesterday? Yesterday Separated flux and put all of the dependencies in its own chart. Flux will install the dependencies and medulla will in its own chart. Medulla will be separate What did will you work on today? Now working on, before wasn't using values.yaml file, but now will be working on the values file, and to update the templates accordingly.
Are there any blockers in your way? none Are we on track to complete the work by end of the sprint with the sprint goal? Still trying to get familiar with formatting templates. Maybe not.

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

Status for Jonathan

What did you work on yesterday? Finished all changes, and pushed into pull request, ready for review What did will you work on today? Going over everything for demos
Are there any blockers in your way? None Are we on track to complete the work by end of the sprint with the sprint goal? Yes

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

@AndrewBabbitt97 Please help review

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

@babanfaraj Please review

keithlogan94 commented 2 years ago

try running running the helm install commands, get them from Jonathan. If it can install without issues, then it's good I think.