rectorphp / rector-phpunit

Rector upgrade rules for PHPUnit
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Add rector rule to automatically add `#[CoversClass]` attribute to test files #319

Closed maks-rafalko closed 2 months ago

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago



On PHPUnit side, we can configure our tests in the way that every Test File has to have #[CoversClass(...)] attributes, otherwise tests will be marked as Risky and PHPUnit will exit with non-zero error code.

This can be done using

Why is it needed?

Real example with PHP-CS-Fixer:

We managed to decrease the MT execution from 2m 27s to 8s (!!!). And this was possible because in PHP-CS-Fixer their tests has 1-to-1 relation between test file and source file, thanks to #[CoversClass(...)] annotation.

But, I wasn't able to find an automatic way of how we can:

So, I ended up creating this PR that will help other developers to achieve the same goals.

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

Classes with a parent/interface - possibly used by type

 * Rector\PHPUnit\CodeQuality\Rector\Class_\AddCoversClassAttributeRector

should I add it to config/sets/phpunit-code-quality.php to fix this issue?

By the way, composer.json has different scripts to check code quality (phpstan, ecs, etc.). But class-leak is not present there, that's why I even didn't know about it as a first-time contributor.

Should it be added too (in separate PR)? UPD: already opened other PRs

VincentLanglet commented 3 months ago

If I understand correctly the rule, it only works if the test and the tested class has the same namespace. Am I wrong ?

In Symfony doc ( and, the namespace used are more often

1) Would it work ? 2) Would it be easy to add an option for the "namespace mapping"

(In my case, I use App\Foo and App\Tests\Unit\Foo or App\Tests\Functional\Foo ; so an option would be great)

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

If I understand correctly the rule, it only works if the test and the tested class has the same namespace.

No. The current implementation adds 2 possible variations to find a source class based on the name of the test class (logic is here)

If you have App\Tests\SubNamespace\FooTest (note *Test postfix, it's absent for some reason in your example), the followig candidates will be generated:

If you have namespaces for tests containing Unit / Functional subnamespaces, which don't present in source class FQCN, then it wouldn't find a source file with the current implementation.

Of course, we can make the logic of resolving source class name more complex, but I would like to first understand if it's really needed and will be accepted, just to not waste time.

App\Foo, for the class App\Tests\Foo, for the test Would it work ?

yes, this is exactly point 2 above and our case in Infection.

Would it be easy to add an option for the "namespace mapping"

could you please describe how it would work?

VincentLanglet commented 3 months ago

If you have App\Tests\SubNamespace\FooTest (note *Test postfix, it's absent for some reason in your example)

i meant App\Tests\Foo\ServiceTest, it just wrote the namespace, but yes App\Tests\SubNamespace\FooTest is definitly what I had in mind.

Would it be easy to add an option for the "namespace mapping"

could you please describe how it would work?

Not sure what was the best solution, I thought we could have a $testMapping option, by default it's for instance in my personal use case I would have pass something like

    'App\Test\Unit' => 'App',
    'App\Test\Functional' => 'App',

But I definetly understand it's a special use case and might not be worth it in this generic rule.

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

other solution would be to try generatig more combinations, removing commonly used subnamespaces, e.g. for App\Tests\Unit\Foo generate:

But yeah, let's first listen to maintainers before doing any changes. Probably makes sense to merge the common case and then upgrade resolving logic as a separate PR (if needed).

staabm commented 3 months ago

other solution would be to try generatig more combinations, removing commonly used subnamespaces, e.g. for App\Tests\Unit\Foo generate:

another solution could be to make this rule "configurable", see other rules implementing the configure method. but I agree that we should do this in a separate iteration. lets first get the rule landed and see whether it works as is

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago - this is unrelated to the changes in this PR

Comments addressed, please re-review

samsonasik commented 3 months ago

Rebase is needed to make CI green.

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

Rebase is needed to make CI green.

Could you please run actions? should be green now

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

Green :+1:

If you guys decide to merge it, can I ask you to make a release so we can use this new feature at Infection?


staabm commented 3 months ago

@maks-rafalko maybe you could give a few notes, why this annotation is useful for projects and when one should use it?

this could give rectors devs an idea why it is important

samsonasik commented 3 months ago

I prefer it to be configurable, and exclude from code quality set tbh, as it addition is by guessing, and may probably cause unwanted changes, as I personally not want to use it.

I will let @TomasVotruba decide

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

@maks-rafalko maybe you could give a few notes, why this annotation is useful for projects and when one should use it?

added to PR description

and exclude from code quality set tbh, as it addition is by guessing, and may probably cause unwanted changes, as I personally not want to use it.

can we have a rule that is not part of any set at Rector? Cause if I remember correctly, class-leak was failing because initially I didn't add it anywhere.

samsonasik commented 3 months ago

--skip-type should can be used, ref

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

Ok, then let me clarify before I do any changes:

Actually, the right place is here:

so I propose ^ this to replace with run: composer class-leak

samsonasik commented 3 months ago

double -- should add it as argument:

composer class-leak -- --skipe-type="..."
maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

what about the first point?

should I remove this new rector rule from existing set and add --skip-type to the place you mentioned above?

samsonasik commented 3 months ago

Yes, imo, remove from set and skip from class-leak, it also need to be registered in rector-src MissingInSetCommand as well if it merged

maks-rafalko commented 3 months ago

ready for review again

maks-rafalko commented 2 months ago

Is there anything I need to do to move it forward? @TomasVotruba @samsonasik

samsonasik commented 2 months ago

Let's give it a try, thank you @maks-rafalko

staabm commented 2 months ago

awesome, thank you!

staabm commented 2 months ago

@maks-rafalko running the new rector on phpunit itself yields a few false positives, e.g.

55) tests/unit/Framework/MockObject/TestDoubleTestCase.php:21

    ---------- begin diff ----------
@@ @@
 use PHPUnit\TestFixture\MockObject\InterfaceWithReturnTypeDeclaration;
 use stdClass;

 abstract class TestDoubleTestCase extends TestCase
     final public function testMethodReturnsNullWhenReturnValueIsNullableAndNoReturnValueIsConfigured(): void
    ----------- end diff -----------

Applied rules:
 * AddCoversClassAttributeRector

56) tests/unit/Metadata/Parser/AnnotationParserTestCase.php:41

    ---------- begin diff ----------
@@ @@
 use PHPUnit\TestFixture\Metadata\Annotation\TestDoxTest;
 use PHPUnit\TestFixture\Metadata\Annotation\UsesTest;

 abstract class AnnotationParserTestCase extends TestCase
     public static function provideRequiresPhpTestMethods(): array
    ----------- end diff -----------

Applied rules:
 * AddCoversClassAttributeRector

57) tests/unit/Metadata/Parser/AttributeParserTestCase.php:52

    ---------- begin diff ----------
@@ @@
 use PHPUnit\TestFixture\Metadata\Attribute\UsesTest;
 use PHPUnit\TestFixture\Metadata\Attribute\WithoutErrorHandlerTest;

 abstract class AttributeParserTestCase extends TestCase
     #[TestDox('Parses #[BackupGlobals] attribute on class')]
    ----------- end diff -----------

Applied rules:
 * AddCoversClassAttributeRector

I think we should make sure that the class beeing added in the CoversClass annotation is not a test-class itself.


samsonasik commented 2 months ago

I am on mobile, it seems also needs check that the target class should also need to be in test class; eg:

$isBeingTested = (bool) $this->betterNodeFinder->findFirst($node->getMethods(), fn(Node $subNode): bool => $subNode instanceof FullyQualified && $subNode->toString() === $targetClassName);
staabm commented 2 months ago

my comment is addressed in

maks-rafalko commented 2 months ago

Could you please guys give an idea when this can be released? As I understand, this package is part of rector/rector and we need to wait untill next rector/rector release?

samsonasik commented 1 month ago

@maks-rafalko rector 1.0.5 is tagged