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[Symfony] [Console] [CodeQuality] input to SymfonyStyle #1768

Closed TomasVotruba closed 5 years ago

TomasVotruba commented 5 years ago
class SomeCommand extends Command
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
-        $output->writeln(
-            [
-            '',
-            '<comment>Translation Files Updater</comment>',
-            '<comment>=========================</comment>',
-            ''
-            ]
-        );
+       $symfonyStyle->section('Translation Files Updater');

        foreach ($this->locales as $locale) {
-            $output->writeln('<info>update</info>');
+            $symfonyStyle->info('update');   
TomasVotruba commented 5 years ago

Handle in private project