rectorphp / rector

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rector-prefixed 0.7 throw PhpStormStubsMap errors #2878

Closed shaal closed 4 years ago

shaal commented 4 years ago
Subject Details
Rector version v0.7 (invoke vendor/bin/rector --version)
PHP version PHP 7.3 (invoke php -v)
Full Command vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/contrib/config_filter --set dead-code --dry-run
Demo link
rector.yaml (see below)
  - { resource: "vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/config/drupal-8/drupal-8-all-deprecations.yml" }
  # includes:
  # - { resource: "vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/config/drupal-8/drupal-8.5-deprecations.yml" }
  # - { resource: "vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/config/drupal-8/drupal-8.6-deprecations.yml" }
  # - { resource: "vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/config/drupal-8/drupal-8.7-deprecations.yml" }

    - 'web/core'
    - 'web/core/modules'
    - 'web/modules'
    - 'web/profiles'

    - module
    - theme
    - install
    - profile
    - inc
    - engine

services: ~

Current Behaviour

Rector 0.6.13 is working as expected. Steps to replicate:

Minimal PHP Code Causing Issue

TomasVotruba commented 4 years ago

Try removing vendor, composer.lock and reinstall. Composer migh be buggy in resolving phar files

shaal commented 4 years ago

I tried, I am getting same errors :(

shaal commented 4 years ago

I am closing this issue as a duplicate of

There are more details about the problem in the other issue.